File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/97-03-01.001, message 26

Date: Mon, 24 Feb 1997 01:32:01 -0500
Subject: M-G: Re: Iranian oil workers, support needed (fwd)

I am sending this urgent plea out to all Cockroach subscribers.

Bob Malecki
>From: Martin Ralph <>
>I have just received a telephone call about the Iranian oil workers
>dispute. The information is patchy but I will relay what I have at the
>moment. I contacted the Campaign Against Repression In Iran and they said
>that they can forward any letters of support to the oil workers. Any emails
>should be sent to
>The subject line of the email should read  Committee For The Defence of the
>Oil Workers of Iran
>The oil workers have been demanding the right to collective bargaining
>amongst other things. Last Sunday they organised a demonstration outside
>the Oil Ministry, about 2,000 (the figure is not exact) were involved.
>About 500 (again the figure is not exact) were arrested. The following
>Wednesday a further demonstration was organised to demand the release of
>those who are now imprisoned.
>The international labour movement has been asked to send messages of
>support to the Campaign Against Repression in Iran in order that they can
>forward them to the oil workers.
>Can anyone with further information please send details to my email address.

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