File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/97-03-01.001, message 28

Date: Mon, 24 Feb 1997 23:03:57 +0100
Subject: M-G: If you don't like cheap cracks about Louis P, don't read this ...

After going on about "the English cricket team, & the English Soccer team &
English Beef ... " on M-I, Gary M inexplicably (?) associates to Louis ><
P, and asks:

>Where the hell is Louis P?

He should have asked:

"Where in Hell is Louis >< P?"

so I could have lowered the tone of the lists even further with a
gratuitous jibe or two.

Can't win 'em all, I suppose.



PS I gave you fair warning ...

PPS Since I find it hard to get off a post that's totally unconstructive,
it's worth recalling that Rabelais, who lived in a time of great social
upheavals (first half of the 16th century), had a (utopian) solution to the
problem of dreary mediocrity. He imagined a community of free-thinking,
like-minded adults that he called Theleme Abbey. The motto was "Do as you
will!" (oh, and "Trink!", I almost forgot ... ). Now all you have to do is
imagine the preconditions for creating a society of free-thinking
like-minded adults that is neither utopian nor exclusive, and realize it in
practice, and there you are -- no more dreary mediocrity.

In the meantime it doesn't help telling people to stop being drearily mediocre.

Believe me, I've been teaching for more than twenty years. I've also seen
people attempting this approach in political work. It flies in the face of

If you want to make a porcelain pot out of a lump of mud, you'll have to go
hands on and get those hands dirty.

Cheers again,

The Knight of the Cheerful Countenance

PPS If you want a laugh, check the etymology of "porcelain" in Collins big
English dictionary.


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