Date: Sun, 23 Feb 1997 02:26:31 +0000 Subject: Re: M-G: Re: M-TH: Poor Quality on Spoon A KARL CARLILE MESSAGE GERY:This is the ultimate in metaphysical constructs. I.e. if we all get together and wish it so, then it will happen. This prescription, without regard for history and political and class composition (not to mention a critical discussion of the problems inherent in open lists), reminds me of the plot line behind some old Judy Garland-Mickey Rooney movies. KARL: Yes. If in general people choose to conduct themsleves in a rational fashion on lists then the quality of the lists willl improve. In the same way individuals from different class bacgrounds have chosen to be socialist. There is nothing metaphysical about this. In general individuals do have freedom to choose. If this were not the case then the working class would be unable to choose socialism. GERY: Poor levels of discussion (btw, how do we define and gauge that expression?) are the result of a complex cluster of factors. To begin with, one should place the quality of discussion in the context of political and personal enmities that have existed in the past since that helps shape how listmembers talk to each other and who remains on any given list. More specifically, one should critically evaluate the history of the rise, decline, and death of what used to be called the marxism list (yet "survived", in undead form, as m1). KARL: Even if what you say is true this still does not prevent individuals from choosing to conduct themselves in a rational manner. GERY: The quality of discussion is also sensitive to both the quality of discussion by the most frequent posters to a list and the quality of "moderation." In the new scheme of things, there are also questions concerning lines of demarcation among lists, e.g. should "newbies" ask basic questions on m-intro or bring those discussions to other lists? Should the discussion of Nietzche be on m-int given its statement of purpose or on another list? Etc., etc., etc. KARL: The above comments are merely a feeble alibi designed to support the irresponsibility of many people on these lists. The point is that despite the limitations that may exist it is still possible for people to choose to be rational. If we dont have rationality then the quality of lists sinks and words loose their meaning. This internal subversion of the lists is, in effect, a strategy to destroy them and in this way development of thought and politics is seriously obstructed. Capitalism could not devise a better strategy. Indeed I often wonder whether there are plants on the lists whose task it is to internalyl subvert them in this very effective way. My view is that it is a prime task of genuine socialists on these lists to struggle to heighten the quality of the lists. In so far as they succeed in achieving this they are making a significant contribution to the development of both thought and politics in the struggle for socialism. One must remember that capitalism has presented socialism with the information technology to discuss issues on an relatively instanteous basis across the planet. This is a technology that must be exploited to the full rather than abused. I am sure the business people make better use of it than many of the individuals purpoting to be socialists on the Spoon lists. GERY: Let's say we wanted to cook a "revolutionary net pie" and used the following recipe: 1) Add 5 parts Maoists and other Stalinists; Add 5 parts Trotskyist sectarians; Add 2 parts social democratic; Add 3 parts "independent" flamers; Add 2 parts sharp, critical, should-know-better; Add 10 jars of tobasco sauce, worchester sauce, and jet fuel; Sprinkle with salt, pepper, and plutonium. 2) Place above in pie tray and place in oven. Set temperature for 800 degrees F. Leave apartment, cook for 3 days, and then eat. Bon appetit! KARL: This kind of stuff above, although it may appear funny to some, contributes nothing to debate. Indeed its hidden agenda may be to trivialise issues such as the serious one that I raised and thereby trivialise the list. I am serious about socialism. However I question the sincerity and motives of some people on these lists. Yours etc., Karl --- from list ---
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