Date: Sun, 23 Feb 1997 10:54:36 +0100 Subject: M-G: Re: Poor Quality on Spoon Several subscribers have commented on the dreary mediocrity of the Spoon lists. I want to complain about the dreary mediocrity of a) my job b) my workmates c) my neighbours d) my neighbourhood e) my town f) my country of residence g) my country of birth h) Europe i) the world j) my ex-women k) my woman l) my kids m) my parents n) their parents o) my supermarket p) my food q) my media r) my old computer s) my current computer t) my next computer u) my internet service v) the weather w) the windmills and while I'm at it, I think I'll moan about the lousy pension I'll be getting (today's paper had a cartoon where one pensioner was asking another "How much do you pay for *your* pension, then?") and the pauper's funeral they're already planning for me (yesterday's paper had a piece about keeping the corpse at home, then using a cardboard casket and a ghetto blaster). So Heaven had better be what it's cracked up to be, or I'll have to complain about poor quality there, too. So I demand instant improvement or else! Pull your socks up! Cheers, The Knight of the Sad Face --- from list ---
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