File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/97-03-05.123, message 10

Date: Sun, 2 Mar 1997 01:57:36 GMT
Subject: M-G: Bleeding magdalenes in a diarrhoea of sanctimonious panic

Sanctimonious mousy eunuchs Begodious and Gereticus would do better in
joining the long queue of counter-revolutionary enemies of the people
wanting the favour of being put out of their misery.  These two are too
lazy, cowardly and thoroughly reactionary to even do the decent thing and
top themselves of, despite openly recognising their condition of "worthless
parasites". Not even that tiny speck of an iota of real marxism they have in
their useless bones!.

What are these crying magadalenes all about, besides vulgar wreckers, agent
provocateurs and ridiculous and pathetic cry-babies?

One, is a tremulous and tearful mouse - under the illusion that he is worth
his lightweight brain in lead.  He arrogantly demands that someone would
waste a perfectly good 8mm bullet on his worthless carcass!. 

Another, a courtesan eunuch claiming - in a sort of sympathetic pregnancy
state of mind - that he too has received death threats. 

However, these two, are really out of luck, and no one is going to waste any
precious time in helping them top themselves out of their well deserved
misery. We communists, are not that humane, and moreover, it is much better
for the revolutionary cause that these mercenary courtesans continue to
deambulate tearfully crying their miserable eyes out in moving sanctimonious
panic all over the place. 

In any case, how can anyone kill those who are already as dead as doornails?
- at most you can give them a decent burial.  

However these two do not deserve that anyone - least of all any serious
revolutionary - would spare any time in helping them do what they ought to
do by their own hands, if they only had the most minimal sense of duty to
the cause of Marxism and the proletariat to which they so often pay the most
highfallutin lip service.  

Therefore, they are condemned to roam the world pulling the ghostly ball
chains of "people's enemies", as the counter-revolutionary cretins that they
have proven themselves to be, here and everywhere else they have attempted
their well rehearsed agent provocateurs double or triple acts.    

For their insults against the revolution, the masses may have wanted to have
their balls for garters.  However, here too, in this department, these
vermin are already completely useless - how could anyone cut the gullies of
eunuchs who - like their lie-lie-lie-lie teacher Goebbles - haven't got any?

Sorry vermin! No dice.  No one is to relieve you two of your miserable
imitation of a life.  You are condemned to endlessly commit harakiri in
public across as many lists as you can manage, no matter how disgusting the
yellow reactionary pro-imperialist pus oozing out your bellies and out of
every pore, may look to others.  The more you ooze, the more you show up the
anti-communist cause you promote in its real colours and its true repellent
and stinking fashion.

You can play the martyred and ravished virgins to your hearts content, but
you are not even worth a second hand toothpick - let alone a perfectly good


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