File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/97-03-05.123, message 19

Date: Sun, 2 Mar 1997 14:08:56 -0800
Subject: M-G: Re: M-I: Unprincipled actions of the moderators

On Sun, 2 Mar 1997, (Hariette Spierings) wrote:
>Dear Comrades,
>I want to be inmediately and permanently unsubscribed from this list unless
>the moderators withdraw inmediately their unprincipled action against
>comrades jay and myself.
>The mere fact that this list can continue to tolerate the most vicious
>slanders against the proletarian leaders - slanders which are clearly
>organised actions for the purpose of wrecking the prestige of the very name
>of marxism, while at the same time adopting a "neutral" and "mollycoddling"
>position between defenders and assaulters of the memories and legacy of Marx
>and Engels, pretending that the "feelings" and sensibilities of those who
>think nothing of insulting the heroic struggles of the people's of the world
>and mouthing the slogans of imperialism and reaction barely concealing these
>under a bogus left veneer, is more than sufficient for me to conclude that
>this list cannot longer perform a useful role for the revolution.  
>Whatever cannot perform a useful role for the revolution is - if, moreover,
>it unduly apropiates for itself the name of marxism - is nothing but a
>service for the counter-revolution and a hostile institution to Marxism.  
>Moreover, the action of the moderators geared to play into the hands of the
>reactionary Fujimori regime, whatever excuses and liberalistic platitudes
>they may utter now in their defence. 
>The attitude of the moderators is nothing short of trying to cover up their
>own incapacity to clear the counter-revolutionaries of these list -
>something they ought to have done long ago, if they want to individually and
>collectively be regarded in any sense as true Marxists - by also punishing
>the revolutionaries. 
>I request that this letter of mine be published in the list forewith.
>Copies are forwith forwarded to other lists.  
>I will continue to post in other lists - Marxism-news - and Marxism General,
>both the documents of Committee Sol Peru and my own information service
>about the real and victorious struggle of the proletariat and the popular
>In my understanding, the moderators of these list have most miserably caved
>in in the face of the sanctimonious ploy and given, without a fight, into
>the most sinister objectives of the counter-revolutionaries, and therefore I
>am breaking political and personal relations with this list.
>Adolfo Olaechea 

Ditto for me, I won't be back either unless the suspensions against
Comrade Adolfo and I are reversed.  I know that my contributions won't 
be missed by  many, but the loss of A.O. to the list is of epic

The worth of list members lives?  Well, you know, the Turkish hunger 
strikers are not on this list, but you have a jerk that said their lives
and their heroic actions were worth nothing.  He seems to be a valued 
and protected contributor, though he calls for the defense of Child 
molesters and murderers.  Of course, those children were not list members
either.  So I guess the rules don't exactly apply if you are going by 
the letter of the law.  

The lives of millions of people that sacrificed and died to defeat facism
and build socialism have been written off as less than nothing by some
list members repeatedly.  Again, these millions were not list members, so
I guess they don't count.  Many thousands have died in Peru to defeat
imperialism and the dictatorship, and the value and worth of their lives
been less than nothing to some list members.  They don't have access to
the INTERNET, so blow them off too.  

Communists got rules too, and principles, and I think they are 
superior to the rules of this list.  Their rules and principles extend
beyond the internet and include all the very fine millions of people
everywhere who are and have given their lives and efforts to bring 
about a new world.  You have have taken action against some people 
that have defended those comrades who are not on any list, and you 
might have a bourgeois right to do it, but you aren't going by any
communist principle. 

In Peru the revolutionary people are not just fighting for national
liberation or for some list, they have an understanding that 
what they do, they do for the whole world, not just for their own
narrow interests.  More people ought to have that understanding.

Jay Miles / Detroit

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