File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/97-03-05.123, message 26

Date: Mon, 3 Mar 1997 02:55:52 +0100 (MET)
Subject: Re: M-G: Unprincipled actions of the moderators of M-I


That's right (your below)! Go get the creeps!
(As much as anyone *can*, under the restricted
cicrumstances that there are.)
My full support you absolutely have!

(I never wanted to get on that slave list, M-I,
in the first place, and have always thought one
should recommend all people there which there might 
be any use discussing with to come here to M-G instead.)

Rolf M.

>Dear Comrades,
>I want to be inmediately and permanently unsubscribed from this list unless
>the moderators withdraw inmediately their unprincipled action against
>comrades jay and myself.
>The mere fact that this list can continue to tolerate the most vicious
>slanders against the proletarian leaders - slanders which are clearly
>organised actions for the purpose of wrecking the prestige of the very name
>of marxism, while at the same time adopting a "neutral" and "mollycoddling"
>position between defenders and assaulters of the memories and legacy of Marx
>and Engels, pretending that offending the "feelings" and sensibilities of
>those who think nothing of insulting the heroic struggles of the people's of
>the world and mouthing the slogans of imperialism and reaction barely
>concealing these under a bogus left veneer, has the same weight as defending
>forcefully the revolution, is more than sufficient for me to conclude that
>this list cannot longer perform a useful role for the revolution.  
>Whatever cannot perform a useful role for the revolution is - if, moreover,
>it unduly apropiates for itself the name of marxism - is nothing but a
>service for the counter-revolution and a hostile institution to Marxism.  
>Moreover, the action of the moderators geared to play into the hands of the
>reactionary Fujimori regime, whatever excuses and liberalistic platitudes
>they may utter now in their defence. 
>The attitude of the moderators is nothing short of trying to cover up their
>own incapacity to clear the counter-revolutionaries of these list -
>something they ought to have done long ago, if they want to individually and
>collectively be regarded in any sense as true Marxists - by also punishing
>the revolutionaries. 
>I request that this letter of mine be published in the list forewith.
>Copies are forwith forwarded to other lists.  
>I will continue to post in other lists - Marxism-news - and Marxism General,
>both the documents of Committee Sol Peru and my own information service
>about the real and victorious struggle of the proletariat and the popular
>In my understanding, the moderators of these list have most miserably caved
>in in the face of the sanctimonious ploy and given, without a fight, into
>the most sinister objectives of the counter-revolutionaries, and therefore I
>am breaking political and personal relations with this list.
>Adolfo Olaechea 
>     --- from list ---

     --- from list ---


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