File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/97-03-05.123, message 30

Date: Mon, 3 Mar 1997 04:05:35 +0100 (MET)
Subject: M-G: Welcome, 2 poor niggers suspended from Confederacy! 

Adolfo and Jay,

Welcome to the land of Abe Lincoln (or somehting)!

Us niggers gotta stick together, that's what I've
always said.

That South really ain't no place for any brothers
(or sisters for that matter) to be in.

OK, OK, perhaps I'm overdoing this just one wee bit?
After all, both of you have been here sometimes before.
And there might be some arguments in favour of trying to
discuss things with *some* of those other people with
chains and iron balls to their legs, down South too.

And please don't misunderstand me: I *am* in favour of
your keeping that ball-and-chains place you've had on
M-I too, if you'd like that; your suspensions I don't 
doubt were quite unjust - I haven't even bothered to 
look into the facts of the case(s) since it's pretty 
clear anyway, as all can see who've been on these lists 
for some months, what to expect from the "responsible 
persons" in question.

I on my part never reckernized that M-I Confederacy 
list to start with anyways. "Not permitted to call 
subscribers cops" indeed! What kind of a rule is that, 
for free men and women?

In brief:

Down with the South! Call on all your honest friends
do desert, boycott, spit on it and jeer it!

Develop and defend the land of free Generals!

And if that ain't gonna be free after all, we'll just
find us a new one, won't we?

Rolf M.

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