File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/97-03-05.123, message 32

Subject: M-G: A reactionary decision
Date: 	Sun, 2 Mar 1997 23:33:59 -0500

To the moderators of marxism-international:

As a subscriber to this list since the beginning, and despite the fact that
I didn't contribute to it (mainly because I'm not really able to write and
debate in English), I want to advise you that I totally oppose your
unprincipled and reactionary decision regarding the participation of J.
Miles and A. Olaechea; and I also want to assure these comrades that I
totally stand with them in condemning this move.

Using a sharp polemic and even "hard words" in defending the revolution is
part of the history and practice of the international workers movement and
must be accepted-not only as a fact, but sometime as a necessity.

Jacques Beaudoin

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