Date: 03 Mar 97 00:54:02 EST Subject: M-G: suspensions and workers liberty dear friends In spite of qualitative political disagreements with the maoist trends and sects here, I think the suspensions of Mr. A. Oleachea & co. are a step backwards. You should be more concerned with essence and not mainly form/style. Remember, perhaps the most important thing that lists like these can contribute is an example of how how the serious problems of the class struggle today can be dealt with and sorted out by better connecting this heated theoretical debating / polemicizing with the actual events of the world struggle. New movements of the class must be built up , political and industrial, as well a new Communist Parties in the class motions and thru polemic too. Part of the example these lists can set , being a forum of different and opposing trends, is to "let the sparks fly" and in this cyberspace dialectic , some gains in new clearer class understanding can develop. you should re-think the suspensions , let the maoist "flamers" (or flim-flammers) back on the list and let the sparring go on, with and without the low blows. Neil --- from list ---
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