File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/97-03-05.123, message 37

Date: Mon, 3 Mar 1997 09:14:46 +0000
Subject: M-G: Re: M-I: List suspensions

The decision to ban Adolfo Olaechea and Jay Miles from the Marxism 
International list (both of whom we have serious differences with) 
seems well in keeping with the general anti-PCP sentiments expressed
on the various Spoons Marxism lists over the last year or so.  
Whenever someone posts anything remotely supportive of the PCP, they 
are routinely subjected to streams of abuse by various liberals, 
academic Marxists and Trotskyists.  On numerous occasions supporters 
of the People's War in Peru have been the recipients of threatening 
posts and email from unbalanced Trots and liberals.  The expulsion of 
Miles and Olaechea, like the previous gang-up against the New Flag, 
is a continuation of this effort to silence any word of support for 
the People's War in Peru.

We will do our part to report on the People's Wars in Peru and Nepal. 
We will not give the various opportunists the statisfaction of losing 
our tempers so as to avoid giving the censors the pretexts they so 
eagerly seek.


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