File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/97-03-05.123, message 4

Date: Sat, 1 Mar 1997 21:45:53 +0000
Subject: Re: M-G: Re: M-I: "Third-world" Stalinism?

> Date:          Sat, 1 Mar 1997 02:16:07 -0500
> To:            marxism-international-AT-jefferson.village.Virginia.EDU
> From: (Robert Malecki)
> Subject:       M-G: Re: M-I: "Third-world" Stalinism?
> Reply-to:      marxism-general-AT-jefferson.village.Virginia.EDU

> Z writes;
> >
> >By the way, if anybody wants to draw up a list of Stalin FAQ and put their
> >answers to it, and perhaps if everyone interested does it, I promise to make
> >it known on our info sheet for new subscribers that such a FAQ is available.
> >That way, anybody really interested in anyone's views about Stalin can learn
> >them. The FAQs should not be too long. And, we'll be spared the repetition.
> No matter what kind of manovres or lists or FAQs that you creat Z will not 
> change the fundemental political dialectics that exist in the present 
> period. No bleeding heart the poor masses shit, nor being soft on the 
> Stalinists, nor the cry for "Unity" which will explode in your face at the 
> first sign of serious class struggle will help you. The political 
> contradictions of the past linked to the Social Democracy, The Bolsheviks, 
> The Stalinists, and the Trotskyists are based on the gigantic struggle that 
> has been taking place since the beginning of the workers movement and the 
> victory of the first and ONLY Proletarian Revolution on this Planet. Out of 
> this clear political lines must be drawn up and fought out. Nothing in the 
> world can change that except perhaps a scenario like in the recent film 
> "Independence Day" which would change the dialectical map considerably. 
> Nothing is new at present that you can present to this list. Your unity 
> mongering and apoligies for the politics of the Stalinists is in fact a step 
> in the wrong direction and a step away from poor and working class people 
> whom I honestly thing you really care for..
> Warm regards
> Bob Malecki

Couldnt agree more Bob.

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