File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/97-03-05.123, message 56

Date: Tue, 4 Mar 1997 01:59:58 +0100 (MET)
Subject: Re: M-G: A reactionary decision


I quite agree with you! (Yours below.)

If some people are sensitive about "harsh words", it most
probably is because they have some things to hide.

How can real revolutionaries, or even halfway decent
people, *fear* some "harsh" criticism?

>From the beginning, I've disliked that M-I list with its
COP rule: "Forbidden to say that subscribers are cops."

Who else than CIA bootlickers could have invented
such a thing in the first place?

Rolf M.

>To the moderators of marxism-international:
>As a subscriber to this list since the beginning, and despite the fact that
>I didn't contribute to it (mainly because I'm not really able to write and
>debate in English), I want to advise you that I totally oppose your
>unprincipled and reactionary decision regarding the participation of J.
>Miles and A. Olaechea; and I also want to assure these comrades that I
>totally stand with them in condemning this move.
>Using a sharp polemic and even "hard words" in defending the revolution is
>part of the history and practice of the international workers movement and
>must be accepted-not only as a fact, but sometime as a necessity.
>Jacques Beaudoin
>     --- from list ---

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