File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/97-03-05.123, message 62

Date: Mon, 3 Mar 1997 21:01:49 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: M-G: Unprincipled actions of the moderators of M-I

Rolf Martens wrote:

> I'm not that certain Louis Nobleman P. should justly be called
> a "snitch". Pretty reactionary he IMO is though.

Members of m-th, m-int, or PEN-l can delete now. Repetition, for the
benefit of m-g only members follows:

Short version:

a) LNP threatens to contact Hans Ehrbar's employer at Utah to get him
fired. Why? LNP doesn't like or politically agree with Hans.

b) LNP threatens to contact the British psychologists association to get
Chris B decertified. Why? LNP doesn't like or politically agree with Chris
B. [The stated reason in all 3 cases is to chase the people he dislikes
off of m-int].

c) LNP not only threatens to get me fired. He contacts a member of
MANAGEMENT at a place where I work [a CAPITALIST institution] to try to
get me, a TRADE UNION member, disciplined and/or fired. Why? He doesn't
like me (slight understatement). In fact, he justified the above on
Saturday by saying that I was the "scumbag of the century."

Now, what do you call it when someone crosses class lines to get a
political opponent fired? I'd call it being a "snitch."


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