File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/97-03-05.123, message 64

Date: Mon, 3 Mar 1997 19:54:53 -0800
Subject: Re: M-G: Quickies on Engels, gays, Stalin vs Trotsky and centrism

On Tue, 4 Mar 1997, (Rolf Martens) wrote:
>Hugh Rodocop,
>You *would* try to start a "gay debate"
>at this point in time, wouldn't you?
>Rolf M.

That's pretty sharp, Rolf.  These provocateurs are working overtime
on their counter-revolution game.  These dregs are working
together to entrap and divert the Communists and other progressive
persons.  I see the one "Jerry" is trying to pass a "capsule summary"
of what they want people to think.  There is probably more than
one "Black Mob", this one more sinister than the "Spooners".
This one is the real one, I would say, Rolf.  They are professionals
in splits and wrecking and deception.  Either in the pay of "the man"
or an organized congealing of  disgruntled trots of the most despicable
sort who have spent their lives specializing in holding back forward
progress.  Until the revolution, when we can open their books, it
is hard to say which.  In any case, it's best to treat them as the same.  
They seem to be running on "HIGH ALERT" at present, something must be up
and I'm certain it has to do with the revolutionary struggle in Peru.

Jay Miles / Detroit

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