File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/97-03-05.123, message 72

Date: Tue, 4 Mar 1997 09:49:30 +0100 (MET)
Subject: Re: M-G: Unprincipled actions of the moderators of M-I


The information of yours below IMO does prove your point.
I didn't know these things. We disagree - rather sharply too -
on another matter, but thank you for this.

Snitch it is.

Rolf M.

>Rolf Martens wrote:
>> I'm not that certain Louis Nobleman P. should justly be called
>> a "snitch". Pretty reactionary he IMO is though.
>Members of m-th, m-int, or PEN-l can delete now. Repetition, for the
>benefit of m-g only members follows:
>Short version:
>a) LNP threatens to contact Hans Ehrbar's employer at Utah to get him
>fired. Why? LNP doesn't like or politically agree with Hans.
>b) LNP threatens to contact the British psychologists association to get
>Chris B decertified. Why? LNP doesn't like or politically agree with Chris
>B. [The stated reason in all 3 cases is to chase the people he dislikes
>off of m-int].
>c) LNP not only threatens to get me fired. He contacts a member of
>MANAGEMENT at a place where I work [a CAPITALIST institution] to try to
>get me, a TRADE UNION member, disciplined and/or fired. Why? He doesn't
>like me (slight understatement). In fact, he justified the above on
>Saturday by saying that I was the "scumbag of the century."
>Now, what do you call it when someone crosses class lines to get a
>political opponent fired? I'd call it being a "snitch."
>     --- from list ---

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