File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/97-03-05.123, message 77

Date: Tue, 4 Mar 97 4:38:26 EST
Subject: Re: M-G: Unprincipled actions of the moderators of M-I

		Mr. Levy,

	Frankly, I agree with you, and did on the old list, about Proyect's
excesses.  He is a smart man with good things to say, but he is a little
meglomaniacle when it comed to the lists he participates in.  Unfortunately,
I think that your vehemence has undermined your credibility in this regard. 
I would suggest that you communicate privately with your many supporters and
those of us who want to remove the personal chazerai from these lists simply
take turns pointing it out when a person's post becomes a personal attack
coupled with some political canard.  I think that you will find people
willing to take up your cause, enough so that you don't have to go it alone
and damage your reputation (or allow it to be damaged).

	I must add that I think insult and banter are important and colorful
parts of political discourse, but, as I pointed out in my recent post they
must not turn into personal invective, or discussions of personal conflicts. 

	So I invite you to mail me personally whenever you think someone has
gone over the line, and I will take up that part of your cause that I can
by pointing out the offending speech.  As I say, I suggest that others will
do the same, and then we can take this cat-fighting off the list bandwidth.


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