File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/97-03-05.123, message 78

Date: Tue, 4 Mar 1997 07:27:43 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: M-G: Unprincipled actions of the moderators of M-I

Jay wrote:

> Trade unionist?  The fucker is a professer at a big
> university.  I don't give two shits for him.

Well ... I am a trade unionist. I am a "professor" only in the most
meaningless, generic, and nominal sense of the term.

You seem to be suggesting that wage-earners, especially "professors", at
universities can't be part of the working class.

This position is based on a *total* misunderstanding of the working
conditions for most faculty. You should know better since I discussed this
question at length on m-int. In short: *most* faculty in the US are now
part-time and/or non-tenured with little or no job security, little or no
benefits, and low pay. Yes, that's right, low pay. Moreover, even if they
like much of the rest of the working class had higher wages, more
benefits, and some form of job security (e.g. access to the disciplinary
grievance procedure), then they would *still* be part of the working

> Look at his post carefully. He hasn't given any information or
> details.

I did say I wanted to be brief. 

>  He says Proyect "THREATENS" to do certain things.

I also said that he DID do certain things (see below). You are the one
who needs to read more carefully.
> Jay Miles / Detroit

btw, although you have rotten politics, I like your music. When are you
coming out with your next CD?


> >>Short version:
> >>c) LNP not only threatens to get me fired. He contacts a member of
> >>MANAGEMENT at a place where I work [a CAPITALIST institution] to try to
> >>get me, a TRADE UNION member, disciplined and/or fired. Why? He doesn't
> >>like me (slight understatement). In fact, he justified the above on
> >>Saturday by saying that I was the "scumbag of the century."

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