File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/97-03-05.123, message 9

Date: Sat, 01 Mar 1997 17:39:20 +0000
Subject: M-G: LM 98/02-28-97

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>X-Listserver: Macjordomo - A Macintosh Listserver by Michele Fuortes
>Date: Fri, 28 Feb 1997 16:55:26 +0000
>From: LM <>
>To: Multiple recipients of <>
>Subject: LM 98/02-28-97
>You don't have to keep this commentary to yourself. If you have friends or
>enemies who might be interested in this commentary or LM more broadly,
>forward this mail to them and let them know about it.
>LM 98
>LM 98 is now online at:
>Please note our new URL and adjust your bookmarks accordingly:
>            <>
>Dear Subscribers,
>The multinational news provider Independent Television News (ITN) is using
>libel laws to try to gag LM magazine. This is an unprecedented attack on
>press freedom by a media giant. But the battle has only just begun.
>Supporters of LM have joined to form the 'Off The Fence Fund' to defend
>press freedom against this attack from ITN. All donations are welcome in
>this vital battle. If you would like to set up a local group to raise money
>please email us at <> and we will send on information.
>Otherwise, we need every donation we can get to fight the case. If you
>would like to continue reading LM magazine please send all you donations to:
>        BM Off The Fence
>        London
>        WC1N 3XX
>Please make cheques/sterling drafts payable to 'Off The Fence Fund'.
>The full story is in the following articles:
>Editorial: 'Good lies' make bad news
>	<>
>The mag ITN wants to gag
>	<>
>including:	Evading the charges
>		The dangerous Mr Deichmann
>		Ed Vulliamy's recovered memories
>		Hiding behind the Holocaust
>		Making war films
>For a full list of contents go to:
>	<>
>If you are not on this mailing list and would like to join, create a mail
>from the address you would like to receive the commentaries:
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>Body:       Unsubscribe LM-commentary
>Back issues of LM-commentary can be accessed at:
>            <>
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