File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/97-03-08.233, message 12

Date: Thu, 6 Mar 1997 07:31:25 -0500
From: (Robert Malecki)
Subject: M-G: Re: M-I: Why don't we all wait...

>Richard: B. writes;
>I mean the people whose sole purpose on the list is to attack the
>Communists. They attack the existing socialist countries; they attack
>former and current Communist leaders; they critisise most national
>liberation movements; they have shown no support for the hunger strikers
>in your country. Their remarks are not comradely critisisms, or designed
>to promote understanding and co-operation. 

Richard are you beginning to come out of the closet with your *real* line? 
Obviously the above is directed at some of the Trotskyists on the list and 
especially Malecki.
And in fact on one particular point you are using some very basic vulgar 
lies and slanders which i find particuly despicable.

When you talk about the hunger strikers in Turkey which was back on M1 I was 
very critical of the tactic of hunger strikes and still am. Because I do not 
think that Communist militants starving to death is a good tactic. But that 
certainly does not mean that Trotskyists were not on the side of the hunger 
strikers and called for their victory against the Turkish Prison system. 
Just as we are on the side of all of the oppressed who take up the struggle. 
However this does not mean everybody gets a free ticket and that tactics and 
line should not be discussed.  

And the other stuff is just the same old Stalinist garbage of uncritical 
support to 
"current communist leaders",national liberation movements", "socialist 
In other words support Stalinist popular front politics, Stalinist leaders, 
bougeois national liberation fronts uncritically or be thrown off M-I. How 
quaint Richard. You have the mirror version of Aldolfo's politics. Aldolfo 
says that anybody who does not support the PCP, every speech that Gonzalo 
ever made, etc is and agent of Fujimora at best! Your line is throw 
everybody off the list who does not support your clone version of 
neo-Stalinist politics..

I think that Z has and the other moderaters have been doing a rather good 
job of trying to keep the M-I open to all points of view. I have certain 
critisisms of some of the decisions they have made however in the long run 
are trying to do their best.

If the moderaters were to take your line of approach they might just as well 
paste a picture of Joe Stalin on the wall and say anybody who disagrees with 
his political line as expressed by the neo-Stalinists on this list in the 
form of "socialism in one country, communist leaders, the popular front, the 
stage theroy of revolution, uncritical support to third world liberation 
movements and all the rest are welcome anybody who critises the above are 
enemies of the proletariat and the revolution.

What has happened to the ever so polite Richard B? Are you beginning to get 
worried that discussion on M-I coming from the Trotskyists makes it more 
difficult for you to bow and cowtow to everything that moves? Or is it that 
the real Richard is beginning to shine through behind the facade of rotten 
neo-Stalinist politics that you represent?

Sorry if this sounds a bit sharp. But unfortunately Richard is advocating 
political bans of people that do not agree with his fundemental neo 
Stalinist political line..

By the way I resubbed and the mail from M-I appears to be working. Perhaps 
the 48 hour lapse was some sort of fruedian slip or we can write it off as 
some of the strange things that happen on this media..

Warm Regards
Bob Malecki

PS if Mark J is out their. Do not think that your latest unprincipled flim 
flam has gone unnoticed. I just can't wait to you get back here so I can 
attempt to eat you alive politically..

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