Date: Thu, 6 Mar 1997 11:34:53 -0500 Subject: M-G: Aldofo, Detcom and Joe Stalin! Aldofo writes! >Zeynept Tufekcioglu thinks that she has stricken a cord. The wrong cord. >When there is a war is not against a man, as awful and disgusting as >Fujimori is. It is a war of the oppressed classes against a ruling class >state, and at present the "engagement" between Fujimori and the MRTA is an >engagement "in the heights" and in fact a "marriage engagement" geared >AGAINS the revolution. Ah yes ! Joe Stalin could not have said it better..Aldolfo appears as the mystical Jesuit guru to tell us that the Fujimora regime and the MRTA are some sort of "marriage engagement". Actually this is a fairly false and horrifying lie. But I guess the hairs on Aldolfo neck are upraised in furious jealousy because the MRTA pulled off this spectacular embassy occupation and not the PCP. But the political truth about political marriages vis a vis the PCP and the MRTA is that both are willing to make a deal both with Fujimora if neccessary and the liberal bougeoisie if Fujimora was actually threatened with and overthrow of his power. Because both organisations have the false pretention of stage theroy of revolution. Neither organisation sees the independent mobilization of the Proletariat to struggle for a revolutionary overthrow and setting up of the dictatorship of the Proletariat as the fundemental task of any revolution. Both organisations believe in guerrilla tactics of small bodies of armed men and women linked to spectacular actions as the foremost tactic of realising their stage theroy of revolution. > >That Fujimori came to London to hobnob with Major on account of his problems >with other bourgeois forces who are trying to overthrow his personal >dictatorship in order to butress the reactionary state is precisely the >occassion in which the true revolutionaries can stay on the side-lines and >expose the real situation by various other means, as we did in this list and >in many other places to the concrete political effect that is needed for the >advantage of the people's camp. What great "exposes" of the real situation. And on this list????The only thing Aldolfo and his weasely little partner Detcom has been doing lately on any list is threatening to murder their political opponents and whining about everybody who doesn't support emperor Aldolfo's line are agents of Fujimora! In fact we even have a new twist. They are all Trotskyists! It is so hilarious to see Aldolfo and his lapdog Jay trying to paint other Maoist groups like Quispe and the new flag people as Trotskyists. And Aldolfo's in reality is painting his abstention from taking part in the demos against Fujimora in London with this garbage. The whole point is that Aldolfo is into the third period Stalinist United Front politics and thinks like Stalin that the *real* danger is the left. Thus playing right into the hands of good old Fujimora himself. And Rolf's backhanded support means that he is supporting the same politics as the old KPML-R had here in Sweden. > >That is how a war is politically directed by those who have a concrete idea >of the class forces involved and the political consequences of every step >they may take. The silly canard of the Trotskysts sects who after 16 years >of war are only mobilised in order to score points in exposing a dictator >which even the bourgeois imperialist press is already exposing, only shows >they take their cue from imperialism and not from the revolutionaries. Aldolfo tells about his political directing. The only political direction we are really getting from Aldolfo is abstentionism, death threats, and whining about which part of the Peruvian bougeoisie he can make the deal with. Naturally all carried out in a macho Stalinist Prolo con game. > >Of course we do not and would not object to "rent a mobs" outfits of the >Trot persuassion to spend their idle time chasing after the world tyrants >with a placard when they finally consider there is some political mileage >for themselves in doing so. They are themselves citizens of these countries >and that - if only belatedly and with 16 years of delay - they may come to >oppose even just Fujimori and his "neo-liberal" policies (when they praised >Belaunde as a democrat and Garcia as a "socialist") can be taken as a sign >of how much we have advanced on our work in unmasking the old Peruvian state >and its crimes. Yes and while these people were demonstrating. Aldolfo was sitting in his London apartment making death threats and howling about the Trotskyist being everywhere. Perhaps Aldolfo should have chosen Afghanistan for his political exile. At least their perhaps he would not have to confront Trotskyists. > >However, as to real political mass actions against the old Peruvian state >these cannot be divorced of actions in support for the new state of the >workers and peasants and of the political leadership of a revolution. Real political mass actions? Aldolfo the only *real* political mass actions by the PCP has been organising gurellia warfare in the countryside with the peasants and trying to surround the cities. Today the PCP is defeated and most of its leaders are in jail. The great leader is trying or already has made a deal with Fujimora and you are talking this kind of stuff above. Obviously exile in London has affected you objective thinking in regards to any kind of reality. And in fact just now it appears that the MRTA has stolen the scene from the PCP in regards to militant pick up the gun rhetoric with their embassy occupation. > >Therefore the opportunist Jonnhy-come-latelies have also a >counter-revolutionary agenda linked to support to the "peace negotiations" >and the MRTA action, support for the "overthrow" of Fujimori to give way for >an Apra regime of even more concentrated fascism. What a joke Aldolfo. Only you could come up with this kind of stuff. But it quite clearly expresses the apologies of the PCP when they finally do make a deal publically with Fujimora. The theme will be. "We did it because we wanted to stop and even futher reactionary regime then Fujimora's." This by the way is a new tune from you Aldolfo. Trying to find a way out for Gonzalo the God? > >That is why we shall continue to retain firm control of our political agenda >and olympically ignore their circus antics. We said that the Fujimori-MRTA >situation is a counter-revolutionary circus act, and the presence of these >Trots in the "reception" of British imperialism to Fujimori playing their >usual clownish acts, only shows that we were absolutely right in >characterisng this as a circus, even down to the fact that these fleas of >Fujimori would follow in the wake of his political corpse jumping up and >down in the most hilarious fashion. Bullshit! Aldolfo would be howling to the moon if the PCP had come up with this action first. But they have neither the forces or leadership left outside of jail or in the cities to pull off such a spectacular action. And despite the MRTA's Castroite orientation Communists defend them against the Peruvian state. But Aldolfo has to paint them up as bedmates of Fujimora because nobody except the PCP is allowed to make the deal! > >Finally the question: Where were the gentlemen Trotskyites the last 16 >years in which Committee Sol Peru and so many other true revolutionary >organisations in Britain have mounted real and substancial demonstrations of >support for the People's War at a time dictated by the needs of the war and >the political agenda of the revolutionaries in charge of it, and not by the >travelling schedule of a kaput and clownish dictator who is parading his >failure all over the world for people of all walks of life to see? Well Aldolfo, the Trotskyists have been around since the October Revolution in the former Soviet Union. And in fact we watched good old Mao betray the Shang Hai Proletariat already in the 1920ties. And the clone version of the Maoists that the PCP represents the Trotskyists will also watch and see them come and see them go as they march down new roads of betrayal of poor and working class people represented in their rotten and completely bankrupt Stalinist political line! >Zeynept Tufecioglu does not know the political reasons behind anything going >on in Peru. However, she sees her role as that of a school marm preaching >her own stilted and inneffectve rules of behaviour on those who do not need >and have not needed her advice to advance to the peak from which they can >contemplate her own political achievements with sufficient equanimity to >dismiss her absurd suggestions of unity with those who are, and have always >been, in cahoots with imperialism, for the ridiculous nonsense these are. Aldofo does not have any idea which forces are at work in Peru or Internationally. And in fact his political orientation is based on decades of treacherous Stalinist politics along the lines of the stage theroy of revolution, the popular front, peasant gurellia warfare, and for Aldolfo personally (like old Joe Stalin himself) threatening to shoot your political opponents in the workers movement, the third period "Social Facsist" line which led the German Proletariat to disaster and was the final nail in the coffin of the Third International and naturally a fairly good portion of Latin American "macho" male chavinism! And your little lapdog Detcom as the star photographer! Sniffing around in dogshit and threatening to publish pictures of his political opponents for the real cops. Not to mention the great success of the now dead? Aldolfo construction of the WMC (World Mobilization Committee). Awfully quiet about that WMC Aldolfo. I guess your idea of a mini "red front" around every word that Gonzalo ever uttered connected to the full program of the PCP, (that program these days being very unclear) has not been a great success. Otherwise we would be hearing you and your little sniffer from Detroit howling at the moon and Rolf whining about being run over by Aldolfo. Naturally one should not forget to mention your new recruit Mark! Why are you so silent Mark? I just can't wait to hear what you have to say about the Peruvian revolution led by Aldolfo and his star photographer Jay Detcom Detroit... Stalinism is dead! Good.. For a Workers and Peasants Government in Peru! For Workers Revolution thoughout Latin America! Bob Malecki ================================================= Check Out My HomePage where you can, Read the book! Ha Ha Ha McNamara, Vietnam-My Bellybutton is my Crystalball! 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