Date: Thu, 6 Mar 1997 01:30:11 GMT Subject: M-G: FUJIMORI'S FLEAS DON ON THEIR "THINKERS" CAP! >There is a certain type of vulgar Marxist who, rather than try to get >to the ideological and philosophical heart of a political question, >will resort to labelling any criticism as treason, sabotage, >imperialist conspiracy, etc. Unfortunately, on the Internet the >struggles between various ideological lines among supporters of the >People's War in Peru have often taken this tack. The recent posting >by Committee Sol Peru merely reflects this line of argument by >repeating the various distortions published by El Diario International >with a few new twists. > The above is from the latest ati El Diario and Committee Sol Peru "Homily" by the so called "Maoist Documentation Centre" (linked to "Quispe's PCP Web Page, the New Flag and other US imperialism/Fujimori inventions in Internet: TALKING OF PHILOSOPHICAL QUESTIONS: The Avakian-Quispe rats -among the many things they have said in the past in this department - told us that the Fujimori CIA plot of "peace agreement" was A) A two line line struggle within the PCP B) Partly a two line struggle/partly a police plot C) That the "likelyhood that Chairman Gonzalo himself was the author of the peace letters has substancially increased" D) That this was "a fierce struggle" in which "leaders of the PCP" were involved. E) That "Gonzalo Thought was something separate from Gonzalo's person". F) The latest - among the many twists and turns of their mind struggle - is that "the two line struggle has been victoriously concluded with the defeat of the police plot". Here is the 64,000 dollars "philosophical question", Oh great "FBI-Maoist-Oracle": Who won? Every great struggle in the International Communist Movement, Lenin vs. Kautsky and Bernstein, the Mensheviks, etc., Stalin against the Trotskyst and Right oppositionists, Chairman Mao against modern revisionism, Liu Shao shi, Deng, etc. had a victorious leader of Marxism and a defeated traitor as a symbol of the capitulators line. Tells us, oh wise FBI-Maoist-Oracle what the results of the victoriously concluded "two line struggle were"? Was it true, as the Committee of the RIM implied with something so very, very close to certainty that "Chairman Gonzalo was very likely the main proponent of the Right Opportunist Line of Capitulation" - "Going against his own thought"? If yes. Your are (excuse me the expression) really screwed up to Fujimori and the CIA in technicolour! If not - El Diario Internacional, Committee Sol Peru - like the Central Committee of the PCP- were right all along from day one and it was all a miserable police plot aided and abetted by some traitors, among them your buddy Esparza and the "parents in law"! Or was it again, both/fifty fifty/partly this and partly that, and other Fujimori Thought ejaculations "ala Quispe" and you cannot yet tell what it was because - once again - you have not been authorised to go to the potty? No wonder Lenin had the expression "Volapuk" (or was it voila puke!) to describe such "philosophers"! Cheers suckers! Adolfo Olaechea PS: My regards to "your anti-imperialist comrades of the MRTA"! --- from list ---
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