File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/97-03-08.233, message 22

Date: Thu, 6 Mar 1997 20:02:36 -0500 (EST)
Subject: M-G: Re: List lobotomizing

S. Chatterjee wrote:

> One can remember your indignation and fulminations
> a few months ago when Louis Proyect threatened to spread to many computer
> lists about the lumpen activites in your past life.

What "lumpen activities" in a "past life" are you referring to? When I was
a member of UAW Locals 980 and 595 which represented the workers at Ford
Motor Company's Metuchen Assembly Plant and the General Motors Assembly
Division (GMAD) Plant in Linden respectively?

When I worked in the meatpacking industry in NYC? When I was a Organizer
for the United Farm Workers?

Or, perhaps before the above, when I was a student activist at NYU and the
New School for Social Research?

Or, perhaps, when I was in high school helping to organize anti-Vietnam
war demonstrations? 

Or, perhaps still earlier, was I "lumpen" in kindergarten?
> Look in the mirror and you will see, 

And what do you say when you look in the mirror:

"Mirror, mirror,
   on the wall, 
 I think that I 
   shall never see
 A bigger
   Stalinist apologist
 Than me."   


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