File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/97-03-08.233, message 25

Subject: Re: M-G: malecki and olaechea
Date: 	Thu, 6 Mar 1997 22:54:18 -0500

On March 6, 1997, "htorres" wrote:

>" Aldolfo says that anybody who does not support the PCP, every speech that
>Gonzalo ever made, etc is and agent of Fujimora at best!"
>In fact, Adolfo doesn't support every Gonzalo's speech, because Gonzalo and
>ALL the PCP-SL leaders in jail are promoting a peace agreement with

There is absolutely no evidence of a so-called "promotion of a peace
agreement" by Chairman Gonzalo. Since his arrestation in September 1992, he
has been jailed in the condition of total isolation. Here is what he really
said at the only occasion he could speak publicly, on September 24, 1992:

"We are here in circumstances which some think to be a great defeat. They
are dreaming. Today we say to them this is only a bend in the road. Nothing
more! A bend in the middle of the road. And tough the road is long, we
shall travel it to the end. We will reach our goal and we will win! (...)
We will continue to carry out the plans of the People's War for the seizure
of power."

Since then, no one has been able to meet and speak directly with him, even
his doctors, his relatives, nor his own lawyer who has been arrested
himself, charged for "apology for terrorism" and jailed for the rest of his

The rumours about a so-called "capitulation" from Gonzalo came from the
mouth of Alberto Fujimori himself. By repeating this sinister lie, you are
unmasking yourself as a vulgar counter-revolutionary propagandist.

But what can we expect from an open supporter of the "official Left" in
Peru, that only wants to save the State from the revolution that is going
on? In fact, it is this so-called Left, along with their Trotskyist
cheerleaders, that is supporting peace with the oppressors, mainly by
opposing the People's War led by the PCP.

Jacques Beaudoin

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