File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/97-03-08.233, message 31

Date: Fri, 7 Mar 1997 10:22:14 -0500
Subject: Re: M-G: Aldofo, Detcom and Joe Stalin!

Dave wrote in reply to SC;
>> Siddharth reduces fundamental arguments to matters of spelling, 
>generalised insults to Trotskyists, wanking on about his grandmother 
>and mud, and muddling up menshevik stage theory of which he is a hack 
>advocate, and growing up.  Well grow up Siddarth, your efforts to 
>reduce these questions to trivia are resisted by history itself. 
>None of the Trotskyists on this list are in any conspiracy, or acting 
>as inferiors or superiors. That is you stalinist mind caste slipping  
>into neutral.  There have been several exchanges on these lists 
>about the Stalinist betrayals of the Chinese CP in 1927. Go back and 
>read those and come up with your defence of Chiang Kai-shek as an 
>honourary member of the Comintern.
>As for Jerry `inciting' Olaechea to come up with death threats, what 
>a pathetic joke. Where have you been during the  heated exchanges on 
>Peru, or for that matter Olaechea's death threats to others on these
>lists?  While Olaechea and all his apologists try to minimise these 
>threats, Trotskyists are aware that Stalinists/Maoists  have actually 
>carried these threats out against Trotskyists in the past as part of their 
>counter-revolutionary deals with the bourgeoisie to enforce spheres 
>of influence to defend "socialism in one country". 
>Finally,  the menshevik method which you, Godena, Olaechea and many 
>others share or defend on these lists, has already brought about the 
>single most counter-revolutionary overturn in history, the collapse 
>of the degenerate workers states and the restoration of capitalism in 
>the former SU and Eastern Europe, and is now being crowned by the 
>restoration of capitalism in the East.  
>While it is necessary to point out these realities to you, in an 
>attempt to convince you that you are wrong, it is more than likely 
>that you will remain dogmatically hidebound to your 
>menshevik role in history, and end up where you belong in the 
>dust-bin of history, after the victorious working class has trampled 
>over you and your fellow bureaucratic bootlickers. 

Actually there is not to much to answer above Dave's reply. SC knows that 
Borokin was the COMINTERN representative in China during the Shang Hai 
episode and the Maoists followed Stalin down the road of popular front 
politics and the slaughter of the Chinese Proletariat in Shang Hai. And 
later on Mao had basically the same line and had to be pushed into going 
much futher then Stalin and his advisors would have liked in 1949.  Where 
the same stagest theory linked to popular front politics was present in the 
form of Mao's support to "private property" among other things.

And as far as the Aldolfo affair where SC and even now Godena are whinging 
aboout the death threats being all Jerry's fault. This is just a big fucking 
lie. I mean SC was on M1 where Adolfo repeatedly was threaterning people 
with bullets, icepicks and steel boots. And to think that the Stalinists do 
not mean this shit. Well, I am afraid they will just have to wait to the PCP 
were to wind up in state power to learn the lesson of how Stalinists deal 
with the political opposition.

But it is interesting that Jerry know is being used to defend "poor" 
Aldolfo. What a joke! And I still defend Z in her decision on Aldolfo who 
thinks that death threats and calling every body lizards and Fujimora agents 
at best belong to normal tactics in the workers movement. In fact Godena 
should immediately be removed as a moderater for defending Aldolfo and his 
very "real" threats of death and violence against political opponents in the 
workers movement. And I who always thought that Godena was trying to clean 
up the more dirty aspects of Stalinism in order to continue the rotten 
political line that they historically represent. Well, Even Malecki can be 
wrong. And obviously on this point i have been too quick in my accessment of 
Godena. Because his line as moderater is a defense of using the old 
Stalinist model of violence and killing your political opponents as viable.

Finally John's observation was quite thoughtful in regards to the professors 
in the first world countries in regards to this question. Well John the 
professor's for years sluffed off the Moscow trials and the killing of 
Trotskyists. So what's new? Now they are even more despicable in becoming 
apologists for Aldolfo and his ilk. As usuall the sniffing little whiner 
Barkely outshines them all . Barkely get off your god dammed knees will you!

Warm Regards
Bob Malecki

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