File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/97-03-08.233, message 35

Date: Fri,  7 Mar 97 18:03:37    
Subject: M-G: Gonzalo and parrots

Jacques Beaudoin wrote:
"no one has been able to meet and speak directly with him (Gonzalo), even
his doctors, his relatives, nor his own lawyer who has been arrested
himself, charged for "apology for terrorism" and jailed for the rest of his

* However, Gonzalo's lawyer, Crespo, is a enregic supporters of the "peace 
agreement". He constantly make gifts to every government's member or 
Gonzalo's family are all with the peace agreement. His parents in law are in 
Sweeden making campaign for the peace agreement. they claim they received 
phone calls from him.

* Bob Malecki ir right in his critiques to the PCP-SL. He is wrong in one 
thing. Olaechea is not Gonzalo's parrot. Olaechea doesn't defend Gonzalo's 
new line (peace agreement). he neither is the speaker of the PCP-SL's 
militarist faction. Non of his e-mails reflects any deep knowldge of what is 
happening in Peru. he even did anything when Fujimori was in his city 
He is a parrot, yes. But he is not the voice of any fighter.

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