Date: Sat, 8 Mar 1997 01:36:19 -0500 Subject: M-G: Proyect's and Trotskyist History! Well our ex-Swper now neo Stalinist-Menshevik has wrote a long letter on what he belives is the history of Trotskyism in regards to the Goldman/Morrow faction fight. Naturally our ex-SWPer has lined his story though his anti-Trotskyist and especially anti-Cannon spectacles. In fact a lot of it is a falsification of this great fight and in fact Proyect as usual winds up on the wrong side of the fence. It is worth noting that this old fight which Proyect paints up in favor of Morrow is spiced with his own appetite of not only capitulating to Stalinism but also a fundemental break with any kind of revolutionary politics. But I find it very bizaar that Proyect brings up this stuff now. (Christ he has been whining about how horrible discussing all these old fights are). Back then the pressure was really on with many of the people involved just coming out of prison, but for Proyect ,the New York Librarian, there can not be any kind of real pressure involved here except trying to trash the Trotskyists on this list with his off the cuff article. In fact my guess is he is trying to "dazzle" us with what he thinks is surpose to be Trotskyist history. But in reality shows his own political bankruptcy and attraction to certain intellectual types like Morrow and his love for a more recent fake Trotskyist attempts to compare Trotskyism with science fiction in the form of Tariq Ali! However this stuff that he wrote was political and deserves and answer.Then again Proyect is also and example of one of those types of intellectuals that derived out of the new left under the sixties and dabbled in SWP politics a few years during the period when the SWP was heading full steam towards being a reformist organisation. One of the types that had Che pictures on the wall, read some Trotsky and then slavishly followed the SWP into reformist politics. Proyect's fallout with the SWP was not over their rotten political line but in fact the SWP's turn to industry. I mean get out their and scream the social patriotic slogan "Bring the boys home" and inviting the left wing of the imperialist bougeoisie to speak at anti-war demos is one thing, but telling Louis Proyect to leave the New York Library and get a job in industry is another. Thus his divorce with the SWP. However it should be mentioned here that Proyect was hardly ever near any kind of Trotskyist positions. In fact he considers people like Tariq Ali, Morrow and the politics of the then reformist SWP to be Trotskyist.. Now getting back to Proyect's falsification of Trotskyist history.. In fact the minority of the SWP which developed after the end of world war two was far more then a discussion around the European perspectives. But in the beginning it did have a central part in the faction fight. But the truth is that this fight was not something black or white with the bad guys on one side and the good guys on the other and in fact a common document was written on April 16, 1945 and signed by the leaders of the minority and the majority which said; "1. There are no clearly defined differences at the present time on programmatic questions. 2. There is no disagreement on the analisis of the situation in the United States and the problems and tasks of the party as outlined at the convention. 3. The differences on the convention resolution dealing with "The European Revolution and the Tasks of the Revolutionary Party" are not fundemental in character. The differences, insofar as they have found definite expression thus far, are rather secondary in character and relate primarily to questions of interpretation and emphasis. It remains to be seen whether, in the course of events and futher discussions, the present differences will be recounciled in agreement or developed into principled divergences." The docuement continues along these lines and in fact Cannon saw no reason at this point to have a split on the European question. On April 17,1945 Cannon wrote a letter to Jules Geller in Akron, Ohio confirming the "truce" in the party. Between April and the end of July the differences between the minority and the majority had taken what it appears to be a sharp turn from the above truce towards a open fight and split. Mainly because the minority (Goldman and Morrow) purposed in a motion to the party that the SWP approach the Schactmanites with and offer of readmission to the party. And in fact the minority without the party's agreement had already appointed a committee to begin negiotiations in order to carry out the line of the minority in making a defacto block and coup de tate with elements who at the beginning of the war deserted Trotskyism under the pressure of Revolutionary opposition to American imperialism participation in the war and defense of the Soviet Union despite the Stalinists - for a state cap line which ment a plague on both your houses and a cozy little place of abstentionism from fighting for the line of revolutionary defeatism against American imperialism while at the same the taking upon the responsibility of defending the gains of the October Revolution and extending them. In other words a line of political cowardness in the face of American patriotism and pro war propaganda.. This new turn by Goldman/Morrow was rightfully seen by Cannon as a declaration of war against Trotskyism and the then Trotskist SWP and a classical rotten block in the making between the Goldman/Morrow faction and the Schactmanites! In fact the Goldman/Morrow faction declared at the same time as their approach to the Schactmanites without the knowledge of the majority themselves as a faction to conduct "an organized struggle" in the party. The call for a faction was around the following political points. Unity with the Schactmanites and to fight the "Stalinist" regime in the party. So in reality Proyects rosy picture of Morrow is completely false from top to bottom. In fact Proyect is not at all interested in the great struggles that have taken place inside of the SWP and in this case the Goldman/Morrow faction which was and attempt to destroy the SWP in a rotten block with the Schactminites. What Proyect does here is prove his own weakness which he repeatly has confronted us with on this list. His love for intellectualls who put witty combininations and turns of phrases before concrete political line and motion. He in fact time and again has told us with his name dropping that the only think that interests him is the name dropping and then using the names he drops to beat on the anti-Trotskyist drum that has become a fairly rotten tune. Proyects real motives in fact is to aline himself with petty bougeois intellectuals who have deserted Trotskyism for one reason or the other. In the case of the Goldman/Morrow faction fight it was naturally at first a fight around "European perspectives" which quickly led for the minority towards a block with the Schactmanites against the "Stalinist" regime in the party. In the other example that Proyect used so far on the list was his great love for Tariq Ali who never was a Trotskyist but a leading member of the USec who these days writes science fiction connected to various figures and groups claiming to be Trotskyist. Proyects style is the epigone who worships the slick intellectual who when the pressure is on finds ways and means to desert the party of World Revolution. Notice how in both examples Proyect praises the "great" works in the form of books on different subjects. Not the fact of what is in the books. Nor what political line and motion the individual in question is taking. A petty bougeois intellectual who thinks he can dazzle us with his knowledge of the Trotskyist movement but in reality puts forth falsification and twists through the spectacles of his own Neo-Stalinist Menshevik trajectory. Notice that Proyect hardly ever mentions the fact of his own political trajectory. On this list he acts much like the Morrows and Goldmans of the past in unprincipled opportunist blocks with anybody against the trotskyists on the list. Cannon said at the time that the "Proletarian wing of the party has seen all of this before" and he was certainly right. Because every time there is a deepening crisis on the world level or a gigantic question facing the International Proletariat on orientation the petty bougeois intellectuals go into a frenzy of all kinds of twists and political turns. Not anchored in any kind of proletarian working class reality they tend to turn to all kinds of political clarifications which mean in fact liquidating class struggle and the neccessity of building a revolutionary International. If the Goldman/Morrow click connected to the Schactmanites was the petty bougeois Stalinphobic reaction to world events in the United States. It was Pablo and his followers who were the opposite pole. Thus the petty bougeois intelligencia under the the outside pressures affecting them tend to do all kinds of hat tricks. For Pablo the pressure came from the Stalinists and the neccessity of "centuries of deformed workers states" meaning a political orientation of deep entry into the Stalinist Parties everywhere. In the United States it was the "American Era" and anti Communist tradition and the coming cold war that got the petty bougeois intellectuals to attack the leadership of the party as being "Stalinist" and blocking with the Schactmanites with their anti Stalinist counter-revolutionary line. These pressures are always present. Thus on thi list we see the petty bougeios intellectuals doing all kinds of hattricks after the demise of Stalinism. We have the Stalinists who want to clean up Stalinism and carry on as usual. We have the Stalinists who want to see this list as a circle of "Hail Joe Stalin" with pictures and all, just as we have the anti-Stalinist intellectuals doing there hattricks. Proyect in my view is none of these. In fact he is much more a product of what the "new left" intelligensia produced. Fakers with the silver spoon up their asses who change positions according too Sonday reviews in the New York Times! Over and above that in order to keep some sort of fake "Marxist" credentials Proyect supports it appears just about anything that moves at least in the western hemisphere like the Cubans and the FSLN and their rotten political line. Connected to any kind of anti-Trotskyist block possible at present on the list along with some incredible thinking. The incredible independent thinking for Proyect was his great thesis on "Yankeee Doodle" Socialism just recently. In fact the most vulgar sort of Social Patriotism. Above and beyond that he belongs to the intellectuals on this list who's only reality appears to being able to buy a piece of just about anything somebody writes as long as they have a name which can be dropped and is on the ten best seller list of the left wing petty bougeois intelligensia.. So Sorry Louis once again you have bored us with you utter contempt for Trotskyism which for you is doing some sort of quicky book review to dazzle the other intellectuals on this list. I bet you are just waiting for someone to say . "This is Louie when he is best! clap clap on the head shit. Well for real Communist Revolutionaries you do not impress us with your top down style which tries to paint Trotskyism through your own anti Trotskyist spectacles connnected to a petty bougeois intellectual stuffiness which i find apalling. And as I said recently. I do not think your present love affair with the PCP and Aldofo will get you anything but perhaps a bullet in the head for being and agent of something or other. But you are to taken up with your hate of Trostkyism and the Communists on this list to even realize this stuff. Well Proyect you might fool some of the people some of the time and the moderaters it appears all the time. But the Trotskyist on this list got your number. So your latest attempt at falsifying history through the Proyect neo Stalinist -Menshevik spectacles. But we are not to worried about our aging New York Professor because in reality he is as they say "Mostly Harmless".. Sort of the last gasp of a dying generation which has done nothing except keep their scrapbooks up to date.. Toodle Loo my little Yankee Doodle "Socialist"... Warm Regards Bob Malecki ================================================= Check Out My HomePage where you can, Read the book! Ha Ha Ha McNamara, Vietnam-My Bellybutton is my Crystalball! 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