Date: Sat, 8 Mar 1997 05:34:09 -0500 (EST) Subject: M-G: Re: Proyect and M-I Bob M wrote: > But I find it very bizaar that Proyect brings up this stuff [Felix > Morrow, etc., JL] now. 1) It's not bizarre at all when placed within the context of LNP's own statements. The main thing to understand is LNP's accessment that M-I is undergoing a "faction fight" in the SWP (US) sense of the term. Proyect by his own admission was a designate of the majority leadership in some of the faction fights in the 1970's in Boston, Houston, and elsewhere. Having also been a member of the SWP (1970-1980), I can tell you that is _very bad news_ for M-I. What LNP is doing is applying the very worst factional tactics of the SWP leadership (his mentor seems to be Tom Kerry) to M-I. 2) As a _factual matter_ the flames and outrageous accusations on M-I have gotten *worse* since my suspension. A careful reading of the posts will suggest that the *main source* is LNP himself (due to the above accessment that a "faction fight" is in progress and that he needs to employ the lessons learned from the time he was an uncritical hack-designate and stooge of the SWP leadership). Consequently, he has engaged in new rounds of distortions and accusations against Paul Z, Dave, and many others. Especially interesting in this light is his flaming of Alan Wald and Solidarity -- whom he himself had praised uncritically shortly beforehand. However, since Wald had the sheer unmitigated audacity to point out that LNP was factually incorrect, then he *and* Solidarity must be condemned forever. 3) In a way my suspension may have been a good thing -- but not for the nonsensical "reasons" suggested by the M-I "moderators." Rather, since it has been charged that I am *the* problem on M-I, what has happened in my absence shows the idiocy behind their scapegoating of me. Without my presence, in other words, one can see the real scorpions at work. Jerry --- from list ---
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