File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/97-03-11.171, message 14

Date: Sun, 9 Mar 1997 15:36:54 -0500 (EST)


I have obviously taken to not posting to this list recently. I joined this
list because I was told that historical materialist discussion and debate,
with an idea to the future of our movement, was going on here daily. When
I first joined I was pleased that that was what was going on. We actually
had a debate about Marx and historical materialism and what it could and
could not be separated from in the past, and so forth. Despite the insults
hurled at me from those Stalinists, particularly the one that has returned
to heap more shit on this list, the conversation proceeded until the
pseudoscientists managed to crap the whole discussion with the profound
significance of imperfect and imaginary numbers and vulgar idealism laced
with the rhetorical devices of dialectical materialism. Since then the
list has grown pathetic.

But this is not why I am responding. With the return of useless hyperbole
to this channel I believe that something must be set straight. Adolfo has
managed to put himself and his comrades in the communist camp, and all
those who disagree with him in the anti-communist, bourgeois imperialist
camp. The Manichean world of false dialectics, no doubt. In light of this
contrast, I feel that it is important for me to not only disassociate
myself from Bolshevism, Stalinism, and Maoism, but to assert publically
that one of the major reasons why our movement is in such dismal shape,
and precisely why we are on the defensive with large segments of the
working class, is because of the state capitalist experience of the Soviet
Union and China. As a communist, I can only hold this position. It is
Stalinists and Maoists who stand against communism, perhaps not because
they are anticommunist, but because they are ignorant and/or unable to
admit their failures of theory and practice. They undermine the communist
movement. Their Marxism is a false Marxism. History stands clear on this
matter. And I want to stand as clear as this history.


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