Date: Mon, 10 Mar 1997 07:11:32 +0100 Subject: Re: M-G: Re: M-I: Cyberseminar and list issues I agree with Hugh. Better a list where politics are fought out then the lemming "unity" which by the way banned not only Malecki but the Stalinists like Aldolfo from the very beginning. Aldolfo has done a couple of miles of writting on cleaning up M-I. I think he means get rid of all those who oppose his version of Stalinist politics and especially the Trotskyists on the list. Naturally the best thing that could happen is that Aldolfo keeps his "boots" under control and stop trying to find slick organisational solutions to list problems along the lines of unity. Because despite all his talk about "principles" he is trying to do exactly as the "lemmings" on the unity list at one time did. Build a list for a family of those who can be nice to each other and call each other "comrades". In fact a Stalinist version of the "lemming" unity list where those like the Trotskyists and others who think that Adolfo's politics are completely bankrupt will not be allowed on the list. So in fact Aldolfo has the mirror version of the "unity" list.And all talk about Communist principles just goes out the window. Actually the same old sectarian practice of the opportunist left who when under critisism either turn to violence or organisational solutions in order to cover their own inability of defending a rotten political line. So in reality the only think that should be debated here is what started the latest rowl. And that is if a list will tolerate threats and stell boots stuff which Aldolfo has a history of doing on all of the lists. Zeynep said NO and that is a great precedent. All the rest is just a flim flam operation by a lot of people on the list in order to find some fake organisational solutions to real political differences. Finally Aldolfo. Why don't you admit that it was the Trotsyists who defended your right to take part on the unity list? In fact on principle fought for and open list for all! And now that you got your fingers burned because Z rightfully suspended your operation from M-I for a week you have jumped into the camp of the Mensheviks and fake unity mongerers. It is not Z that has moved politically to the right Aldolfo. It is YOU.. Warm Regards Bob Malecki -------------------------------------------------------- Check Out My HomePage where you can, Read the book! Ha Ha Ha McNamara, Vietnam-My Bellybutton is my Crystalball! Or Get The Latest Issue of, COCKROACH, a zine for poor and working-class people -------------------------------------------------------- --- from list ---
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