File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/97-03-11.171, message 55

Date: Tue, 11 Mar 97 09:27:31    
Subject: M-G: Voices from Albania

Electronic-mails sent between 5 and 6 March from different people in Albania 

* “The ruling Democratic Party has taken from money from pyramid scheme 
makers to fund their election campaign. The secret police (SHIK) has the 
authority to beat to intimidate any time and no body will protect you. The 
court is totally under the control of ruling party. The Radio, TV and 
newspapers are strictly controlled by Government  We had only one or two 
opposition newspaper but now they are closed and one recently fired up by 
the fans of Democratic Party… Albania government has taken 480 million from 
EU. With its money the European Union  have assisted to install the latest 
fascist regime on the Balkans.”

* “A new dictatorship is being installing in Albania  that of the so called 
“democrats”. If you would walk four people  altogether  in Albania you could 
be shouted, you have  to stay home from 20-7 o’clock in the mourning and  
not go out for any reason if you take care of your life. No schools, no even 
kindergartens because may  be that when parents go to collect their children 
over there they can meet together and  protest??!!”
“It is hard to say but western countries are not responsible for what is 
going on  now in Albania. In a way or an other they supported the actual 
regime as they thought it was leading the country through democracy although 
there were enough clear  signs of violation of human rights and despotism in 
this country. 
Western political personalities have even break the Albanian laws in order 
to assist the party actually in power to win the elections. It happened two 
times: on 1992 with Rayerson the ambassador  of the
USA in Albania who accompanied the actual president (recently “re-elected”) 
through all the electoral campaign and on 1996 with Jeffrey Patt,  head of 
the Conservative parliamentary group in UK.. Also during these elections  
the actual party in power was allowed to hold respectively the USA flag and 
E.C flag.”

* “Sunday was proclaimed the extraordinary situation. It was said that the 
free movement was constricted from 7 a.m. till 8 p.m. The stores were to 
function till 3 p.m. After 8 p.m. everybody which could be seen in the 
streets was to be shot if he doesn’t obey to the orders given by the police 
troops. The first day after 8 p.m. were arrested 48 persons because they 
were found in the streets. … 
Everybody after 5 p.m. watch his clock to know what the time is. After 7.30 
p.m. all the persons that are still walking through the streets goes 
straight in their homes. … The newspapers are not being
printed, they are not permitted. Only one newspaper is permitted that is the 
“Rilindja Demokratike” newspaper. This is the newspaper of the ruling party. 
Do you understand what is like? It is like the Pinochet regime in Chile.”

* “Reports say a Chinese-made MiG-15 warplane sailed over the port of Livena 
and dropped up to three bombs on the town, causing an unknown amount of 
damage. Although the government denies its forces are attacking civilians, 
crew members of a military jet that defected to southern Italy on Tuesday 
said they had been given orders to bomb civilian targets.”

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