File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/97-03-11.171, message 58

Date: Tue, 11 Mar 1997 13:12:00 -0500
Subject: M-G: Is Bougainville spam?

Deja News wrote;

>[This is a courtesy copy of an article posted to Usenet via Deja News]
>WHY on earth is this spammed to soc.culture.african.american?  For that
>matter, why is it spammed all across Usenet?  What ever possessed you to
>do this?  It isn't even remotely related to the topics of most of the
>places you spammed it to.
>Really, it is obvious some people really don't deserve a right to access
>Usenet. And you are one of them.  You exhibit absolutely no sense of
>Kaiju <the noive>


It appears as if I have raised the hairs on the neck of someone out their in 
cyberspace who subs to "soc.culture.african american". 

I would naturally like to argue the points raised in his/hers angry letter. 
In the first place "Bougainville" is in fact quite important to all African 
Americans. The reason being that the war going on there is a minature of the 
Vietrnam war. And in fact like myself who at present lives in exile because 
of the Vietnam war there are many black Americans who consider themselves 
"African American" who were certainly effected by the war in Vietnam just as 
the people on Bougainville are effected. 

And as far as my "spaming". Unfortunately I do not agree that my posting 
over a rather long period of time the newspaper "Cockroach" or the 
"Bougainville uppdates"
to ten or 11 newsgroups out of over 20,000 newsgroups can hardly be called 

In fact the reason I do post to the above newsgroup is because I have a 
great respect and hope that black Americans because of their historical 
position will be part of the revolutionary vanguard which will bring about 
change! And one of those changes is a deadly struggle against colonialism 
where ever it raises its ulgy face. I am quite sure that black Americans are 
well aware of what colonialism and slavery has ment to them.

Now naturally our complainer could be one of those blacks or whites who have 
reached the pie in the sky pipedream (that doesn,t exist) and is responsible 
for the fact that millions upon millions of people are being told in America 
as elsewhere to basically starve to death so that the fatcats can continue 
to turn a buck.

Thus making him perhaps some sort of McCarthyite Witchhunter! However I will 
try not to judge the complainer without futher clarification of just what 
the fuck is bugging you man?

Naturally if the readers of soc.culture African American thing that 
Malecki's "Cockroach" and the "Bougainville Uppdates" are so horrifying to 
read or delete with their morning coffee, then naturally I will cease and 
desist from sending this material to the list. 

However being that I (like in Bougainville) am one of the little keys in the 
neccessity of getting out information from this war zone which has a naval 
blocade around the island. I am also very active in trying to organize the 
defense of Jamal here in Europe from my place of exile and in fact have a 
home page set up for the upcoming Philadelphia conference on cop violence. 
And as these things are far more important to me and the many people 
involved I suggest to our whiner about spam to check out my homepage and see 
if this is really spam..

You will quickly find out that Bougainville, just as the possible execution 
of Jamal among other things is hardly spam but very fucking *REAL*..

Do you still want to continue with your complaint? Fine then I guess we will 
have to fight it out. Because the "spam" you are talking about is real 
people dying in and ugly war of attempted colonialist occupation. And the 
threats and moves to execute Jamal by the state of one of the most 
impressive black leaders to come along in a long time is *REAL*..

The perverbial ball as we say is now in your hands pal..

Warm Regards
Bob Malecki

P.S. Your letter and this reply go into a future issue of Cockroach! And 
naturally I will send it to the newsgroup in question with the header:

"Is Bougainville Spam?"

Hopefully Deja will forward this to our complainer. Hopefully it is a clear 
declaration as to where i stand on this particular issue..

Check Out My HomePage where you can,

Read the book! Ha Ha Ha McNamara,
Vietnam-My Bellybutton is my Crystalball!

Or Get The Latest Issue of,

COCKROACH, a zine for poor and working-class people

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