File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/97-03-11.171, message 9

Date: Sun, 9 Mar 1997 10:58:17 -0500 (EST)
Subject: M-G: Re: Levy's Analysis

Here I will only reply to parts of Louis G's post:

Louis R Godena wrote:

> But this "tactical alliance" only exists in
> Jerry's inflamed mind, [...]

Louis: are you _reading_ m-int posts? For example, see the posts by Gary
and Louis P.

> [Jerry mentions an "attack" on Paul Zarembka.   I
> do not recall any such personal attack.   I quarreled with his use of RC
> Tucker on Stalin as well as a couple of minor points,  which he duly
> acknowledged.  I believe Louis P criticized an article that Paul had
> co-authored,  but I don't think that qualifies as an "attack"].   The truth
> is this "tactical alliance" does not exist anywhere outside of Jerry Levy's
> thinking.    

Amazing! You must not have read the recent calls on m-int for the
"expulsions" of Paul Z and Utica R.
> A "heterogeneous group".   As "heterogeneous" is a "good" word (as opposed
> to "bad" words like "centrist" and "Stalinist"),  I imagine that this is
> where Jerry would locate himself in any TV documentary about
> marxism-international.

I don't think there will be a TV documentary unless the death threats turn
to deaths. But, yes, I would locate myself in c).
> Jerry's own record is less clear,  given his experiences with M-2 and the
> so-called "Left unity" debacle.

What "left unity" debacle? I was never on a left-unity list (although,
someone reported on m-int once that LNP was the only person ever expelled
>from that list! I, of course, can't vouch for that claim).

> Nevertheless, the list will go forward,
> hopefully improved and ready for the next round of interesting and
> provocative threads.       

The key word there is "provocative."
> No,  Jerry,  no one is "blaming" you for anything.

Goodness gracious! I get suspended for trying to "destroy the list" but no
one is blaming me! Others call for my expulsion but no one is blaming me!
> The suspensions are over.   
> Have at it.

Two weeks turns to one!!! Oh, well: I'll take you at your word and start
posting again on m-int.

Cheers, Jerry

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