Date: Thu, 20 Mar 1997 00:59:09 -0500 Subject: M-G: COCKROACH! #46 COCKROACH! #46 A EZINE FOR POOR AND WORKING CLASS PEOPLE. WE HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE BUT OUR CHAINS. It is time that the poor and working class people have a voice on the Internet. Contributions can be sent to <> Subscriptions are free at <> Now on line! Check out the Home of COCKROACH! How often this zine will appear depends on you! -------------------------------------------------------- 1. The ICL and Norden group! 2. Some Considerations... -------------------------------------------------------- The ICL and Norden group! Kate Kelsey send me two fat bulletins, one by the ICL and one by the Norden group on the fight. As I have seen quite a number of posts on Usenet about this fight, mostly stuff like "Sparts in outer space" and stuff like this I found it extremely interesting to read about this fight. Kate asked me to write and say what I think about this stuff. So I will try to give you what comes to mind. That the events of the past years has affected just about everybody on the left makes it quite clear that even the International Communist League (ICL) would also be effected. Actually this just proves that something very important historically has happened and everybody is forced to twitch in one way or another! I read Jim R.s comments on this stuff because Jim I trust usually makes a lot of sense, at least to me. What was interesting I thought about Jim's remarks was not only the Norden group but also taking up the tendency to forget that the Stalinists are responsible for all of this shit. Because in a sense Norden and the party loyal tendency that Jim talks about are in a sense a mirror reflection of the tendency being washed over not only by great historic events in the world-But connected to how the Tendency worked in the preceding period and the human material involved. My experience with this was here in Sweden with Eva when we alone had to defend the line on Poland. In fact the opposition accused us constantly of being on the side of the Stalinists (which we were!) in the Polish events. But being on the same side of the Stalinists does not mean that this Stalinist leadership is a deadly danger to workers and the line we tread in the Interests of the International Proletariat is very thin! But as living material and especially the youth and people who do not have working class backgrounds their appears to have been a tendency to think that being hard on ICL politics means connecting The slogan like "Hail the Red Army" a completely correct slogan on Afghanistan, to and unconscious defense of the Stalinist bureaucracy. I think that this has to do with our smallness also and not having deep roots in the class Internationally. But also the historic composition of the left in general since the second world war. Sort of like Pavlov conditioning instead of living class struggle! My understanding of the polish events and why I could go out on the first of May with a leaflet where on one side we were calling for a general strike here in Sweden and on the other side defending the line on Poland was in fact a vital propaganda message to the working class who was beginning to mobilize against the then bougeois offensive on the Swedish "welfare state". So in a sense I sort of act with a split personality! On the one hand as a poor and working class guy and on the other as trying to be part of the Vanguard..Naturally connected to the task of trying to recruit a couple of people at the time. With all the feelings based on both living experience historically, a propaganda group which was very small and isolated, and things moving to the right (at least on the left) connected to trying to find a couple of people to recruit just makes for crisis, political deviations, and trouble. Especially when big things in the world are changing the very fundamentals of political existence... I think then some people see it in the sense of our present tasks of regroupment as something more of a chick tough argument against the various fake trotskyists or whatever. And in fact in Germany it was far more then that at stake. As I understand it we were dealing with a population who has not been under the standard anti-Communist campaigns of Cold war propaganda. Nor a general left environment as people in the ICL were normally experienced with in the left in the west. But a population that stood under a bizarre form of Stalinist politics which historically has its power base in the Proletariat. A Proletariat that was not raised on Donald Duck and McDonald's hamburgers Nor was this a question of regroupment with some ex-Healyites in Great Britain but and intervention with the possibility of becoming and influence in the East German Proletariat! So the fight does show on the one hand Norden trying to do some "get rich" quick schemes and on the other hand a loyal defense of the ICL line albeit leaning towards being soft on Stalinism in another way then Norden.s organizational opportunism. But both missed the point. Our program is the program to mobilize the Proletarian Vanguard for its Revolutionary role! Thus what we wanted was not get rich quick schemes like Norden, nor getting chummy with the Stalinists. It was a message to the East German Proletariat about countering the Stalinist bureaucracy and capitalist counter-revolution. A very thin line indeed! In fact what I think was at stake in East Germany can be compared to the strategical orientation of the American SL on recruiting black cadre! In East Germany it was not black cadre-but proletarian cadre which we would have wanted to recruit by patiently explaining our line and Trotskyist history about Stalinism. Naturally this is linked to the real battles and *real* defense of East Germany at the time, despite the Stalinist bureaucracy! But our orientation should have been towards the proletarian vanguard.. I think Norden was dead wrong on this "anti-facist" stuff in that it was not really orientated to the line that the ICL had worked out. As I understand it it was raising the perspective of "Soviets" in East Germany" against the Stalinist bureaucracy and the attempts by the capitalists to re-integrate East Germany into the capitalist sphere through a counter-revolution. I had the same line by the way in the Soviet Union. Soviets to combat not only the counter-revolution on the way but a political revolution against the Stalinists either in power or now out of power! Naturally today we could make tactical military alliances with the Stalinists without giving up the guns! The ICL missed the boat not only because of Norden! But because of a bureaucratization of line in the party! Or at least a stiff line connected to earlier historical experience not having to do with the real living situation. Thus the line as I see it was correct! But the human material that was going to implement the line was unprepared both because of its personal individual backgrounds and naturally the abrupt change in the situation. This also has its causes in smallness, and lack of working class cadre. I think that basically it has to too with our isolation historically and a lack of recruiting worker communist cadre. We have most been working in the left environments in the west where it was basically made up of the human material coming from universities and intellectual backgrounds. A constant campaign of correct political discussions orientated against other left groups in the west was bureaucratically transformed on a level that is and what was wrong in intervening in events in East Germany. This was wrong. But it is wrong for me in the sense of some of the gut feelings I get coming from a poor and working class background which brings me back to events in Sweden. So for me going to that first of May demonstration with that leaflet was partially a "workerist" deviation in that I wanted to tell my working-class friends why the events in Sweden and Poland were connected. In fact Social democracy and Stalinism have always fucked things up for the working class and why only the working class and under the leadership of the vanguard party Internationally could solve these problems. While at the same time it was and interventionist tool against our left-wing political opponents here it was also a mobilization of the class for struggle against the bougeois regime here in Sweden at the time. But in Germany I think a "workerist" deviation in this sense was called for! Now I would like to take up something that Seymour wrote which confuses me very much. In the article "Pabloism of the second mobilization" on page 143 of the bulletin he wrote the following; "I believe you do not accept that, beginning in the late 1970s, there has occurred a historic retrogression in the political consciousness of the working class and left Internationally. This development both conditioned the counterrevolution in the Soviet block and has been reinforced by it." I find this statement highly confusing, completely one sided and undialectical! Whew that was a lot. But that is how I feel about it! So I will try to explain what I mean and perhaps we can clear up some of the confusion at least on my part.. In the first place I do not think that one can just bluntly state that the working class and its political consciousness was thrown back. Consciousness in the class in the first place is living experience connected to ideological leadership both bad and good. For Communists the point is changing that consciousness and forging it into a vanguard party to lead a revolution Internationally. So I get the feeling that Seymour with his statement is saying, this big lump of shit has historically regressed, thus.... I just don't buy this Seymour! In fact the Working class has been beheaded of any "revolutionary leadership" for a long time and these days are beheaded of both Stalinist and Social Democratic leadership. This is naturally connected to the situations in different countries and different regions and depends on a number of other thing also. But and this is a big but!!! The working class despite this is trying to mobilize against the present counter-revolutionary attack in many different ways. So stop blaming the working class for the present situation and in fact the working class just by its position in society is revolutionary! Which means that they have the muscle to counter but are lacking leadership. Then again the left which you claim has regressed and which I find very confusing also. In fact ideology is living in that it is the human material that picks up on this stuff and carries it on everyday historically. The left some say has moved in this direction or that direction. But to regress I just don't get it. What I see >from my very little corner of the world more then regression is both chaos and confusion which is beginning to firmate into a lot of Neo-Stalinist and Menshevik politics of varying degree. A re-orientation is taking place and new faces with old ideas and old faces with old ideas claiming they are "new" are all over the place! We have the Usec moving to the right. The Euro-Communists moving towards traditional Social Democracy--Social Democracy moving towards the camp of the bourgeoisie for example. Naturally this is understood by the various things that these tendencies and leadership say and do. But it should be seen in the context of how the working class is reacting to this stuff. In the East despite lots of attempts by capitalism the working class is at best accepting the situation fairly luke warm. In the Serbia the working class appears to be not joining the present counter-revolutionary Nationalist and Fascist mobilization. Where as in Bulgaria things appear to be a bit different. I heard last night that the workers are even supporting this shit there. In France we are seeing mass mobilizations. In Korea also. In Sweden politics jumps to the right as the workers jump to the left in activity! Germany we see the beginnings of movement. Turkey things are happening and also Greece! Not to mention the former Soviet Union where the miners without leadership are being forced to move. Much of this stuff is connected to what Trotsky called the historical crisis of leadership. This was a fact at the height of Stalin's power and certainly is just as actual at its ebb. And things do not stand still which your statement gives me the impression of. Because in the wings both the bougeoisie and the fascists are actively working to solve the present situation in their interests. Just as the opportunists of varying degree are doing all kinds of hat tricks! Nor is the Neo-Stalinists and Social Democratic trends, nor the various fake Trotskyist trends retrogressing. Perhaps chaos, but also there will be a re-orientation towards vying for the leadership of the Proletariat from these trends. But also the Trotskyists, naturally the question for Trotsktists is on What Program? And with which tactics? I think what I am trying to say is that this period opens in a sense the orientation of a Trotskyist organization. In fact it is not the period of new leftism and the sixties any longer and polemsizing with just those groups moving to the left. Although this is still the basic strategic task of physically growing and recruiting cadre. But the situation as it is- is very unstable for the Proletariat. Events in the former Eastern block countries and the Soviet Union to Korea and into the Balkans not to mention even this little one time Social Democratic paradise. In the decisive struggles that will come in the next period. In these class battles the Trotskyists can quickly find themselves in a position of leading mass struggles. I do not think that we can abstain from taking part in those struggles despite the orientation of splitting and regroupment. Sorry! But this period which now seems to be opening up appears to be a new period of wars and revolutions and even counter-revolutions! So where you see the roadblocks-I want to see the opportunities. Another "workerist" deviation because I have nothing to fucking lose! A new re-division of the spoils as the imperialist prepare a new bloodbath of some sort for the Proletariat. In fact this new nationalism in the east can quickly become fascism or do you think that the ICL can just stand around. I don't. I think that enormous possibilities are opening up. The Proletariat has not yet been physically defeated. Only ideologically confused and beheaded of any kind of leadership. But in order for things to *really* regress the working class must be defeated in a number of countries by a fascist takeover or a new imperialist blood bath. Now that would be *real*regression! I will stop their for now. More later when I have had time to read the documents. The article on the Balkans was just great! I should mention that the USec here is even being careful with this stuff. By the way this letter will be going into "Cockroach" my weekly newspaper on Internet and to some of the newsgroups and discussion lists.. Warm regards Bob Malecki -------------------------------------------------------- Some Considerations >Louis Proyect wrote: > >>Viraj, Malecki is regarded as an obnoxious idiot by nearly everybody on >>the list. I wouldn't worry to much about what he says. Ah the neo_Stalinist Menshevik Yellow journalist acting out his rage again and obviously behind the scenes. Naturally the "idiot" Malecki has opposed this latter day graying ex-supporter of the reformist SWP and these days of the Neo Stalinist Menshevik politics of the worst sort. But I am glad to see that Viray does not bite on the tail of Mr. Louis P. who when enraged is capable of just about any despicable act despite that Barkely is begging for a "truce". Viray writes; >I do not think Robert Malecki, is what you have called him. But the way he has >responded in his latest it appears his actions are in keeping with some >features of the "classification" he refers you by. Doctoring by deletion. He >quotes my last message in part and leaves out the most relevant parts. >However it may be that he felt it was not relevant. The deleted parts are: > >>>>- Simply put, computers are also an integral part of the means of >production and *control*. It is not the computers that will dig the grave >for capitalism. The computer has brought the possibility (of) resolution of >the antithesis between mental and physical labor, and elimination of >capitalism. This will not be an automatic process. This will happen only >when the working class has taken over all means of production and *control*, >including the computers and put them under its dictates. This will be the >change over from the dictatorship of the capitalist class to the >dictatorship of the proletariat. The antithesis will be turned over. This >antithesis is the main historico - morphological structure relative to which >the *motion* of all exploitative modes of production have operated and >continued. This is why the history of mankind has been defined as a history >of class struggles. No I did not cut the above and I apologize. In fact you obviously have the same position I have on this particular question. However I did not cut what you said but the piece. Who ever it was who replied first, I think it was Rob Schaap actually did the cutting and put your name on it. I only assumed that this was your position and said it was just shit. >>>>-(I can not be a judge to his comment about my own self; so if "this guy >Viray is full of shit", so be it. I can not disagree nor do I care. But Rob, >you must understand that there *will be* new comers to the list who would >try to develop within the list by writing and they will certainly make >errors. In such instances the tone of the words used will matter. A >comradely attitude will help developing new comers to marxism. And that is >one of the great opportunities this list offers and we should not bust it up) However, this I do not agree with! Unfortunately newcomers to the list are treated too intrigues and backstabbing just like yourself by the likes of Proyect who privately is smearing people not with arguments but slander like the above in private letters. It is a concentrated effort on the part of this neo-Stalinist Menshevik who is trying to act like and eloquent supporter of the "broadies" along with a lot of long winded defense of historical betrayals in Nicaragua, by the FLSN connected to if its big its worth supporting despite its popular front program of betrayal or in his defense of the Cuban Stalinists, or his writing of the historical gains of the Bolshevik party as a misbirth of Mr Z. In fact despite his eloquent long winded presentations here the real character of this neo-Stalinist comes out in his poison pen private letters directed against the opposition on this list. He knows that no matter how eloquent he attempts to be the Bolshevik Leninists just don't buy his neo-Stalinist Menshevik garbage and never will! So this list is in fact to "newcomers" not a question of a cozy little corner in cyberspace where everybody discusses calmly and in the style of the petty-bougeois New York Librarian Proyect. But a learning ground and battlefield in class struggle and political line. Here I want the newcomers to learn to THINK and be critical and question everything and fight for what they think is correct. Not a family of fake Marxists and Mensheviks who agree to disagree on such basic things as which class? and what kind of party? And definitely not a waterhole for the intellectuals! And furthermore! This list has to be wripped out of the hands of just the intellectuals and their long and boring studies of every wacko that writes a book and become a training ground for political struggle and tactics facing poor and working class people Especially when the likes of Proyect use this list as some sort of place to present desertations of various revisionist theories and books that only people who are trying to get some points for their degrees are forced to read and produce long and boring desertations about.. A forum where they feel welcome and learn to fight.. Without becoming anti-intellectual this list must be tool for people who have not spent their lives on universities as professors- but who are interested in learning,fighting, lurking or just taking part in the struggles going on here! >>>>-(Dialectically, this list has a dual role. Polemical and Pedagogical, we >can not forget one element or the other. If we are using this list as a >weapon for propagation of Marxism and not as a medium for personality >conflicts and squabbles, then we must not sacrifice either of the elements, >in any of the articles. We must try to consciously expound both with >responsibility). Well, I am for the greatest amount of patience and patiently explaining when it comes to poor and working class people. But not inbiten political opportunists that are trying to clean up Stalinism or re-introduce Menshevism as a solution for the working class either programmatically or tactically. Nor seeing this place become the "Ivory Tower" of the old M1 lists..But in fact this is what most of the discussion turns around in fact. Despite all the smoke screens being thrown up there are some fundamental questions which time and again come up. Time and time again it is the fundamental trends of the workers movement represented on this list as Stalinists,Neo-Stalinists, Mensheviks, even some liberals, and various people claiming to be "Trotskyists". This is political reality even if people are trying to avoid the labels-The discussions, the programs, the tactics, and most of everything that takes place here is in the ideological and programmatic foundations of these historic trends. All this shit about something new and great coming from some people is nothing but a smokescreen to bring up the same old neo-Stalinist Menshevik garbage as something "New". Ha Ha What a joke. Nothing that we have discussed on this list is new but has its roots in the past political trends and some pretty horrible historical betrayals! Proyect's defense of the FLSN is just one of these blatant examples. There are many others from history but also tactical orientations that represent the future like in Peru as elsewhere where the fundamentals have not really changed one dip shit from the trends of the past. >I think Robert Malecki does make valuable contributions. However, at times >the cognitive method tends more towards, from categories of classification >to the process as events rather than from analyzing the process and >identifying categories of classification in its dynamism. Why thank you! However do not use Piagette and his methods as some sort of cover for method on this list. This kind of stuff might be fine in dealing with children or mentally undeveloped people, but to use it here to smooth over political differences that has meant the blood of millions upon million of poor and working class people just does not fit in here. It also makes me wonder if you think that one can overthrow the bougeoisie without a desperate struggle not only against the class enemy but the leadership of the International workers movement who for decades has led the Proletariat down the path of defeat after defeat. In fact what is going on here as everywhere else is the discussions about who is going to lead the working class WHERE! You answer is if we just be nice to each other well everything will be just fine. Well it wont. And I hope people do not come here to be chummy and clap each other on the back and agree to disagree. The best example of this particular slimy activity must be Barkely and his antics with Proyect! What a disgrace! Barkely the list clown with his one line humor has gone into the pigsty lately. It will take me a long time to get over this Barkely.... Personally I intend to continue to this list as others in the best way I can according to the politics I believe in which are fairly authodox Trotskyist along the lines of the ICL (the Sparts) although even they do not get a free ticket! Just as I am quite sure other participants are going to continue with their activities. Let's see what happens! Warm Regards Bob Malecki PS: Still getting two and three copies of certain posts from M-I. So I do not think that PO was spaming. Something appears to be wrong with the software somewhere.. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Check Out My HomePage where you can, Read the book! Ha Ha Ha McNamara, Vietnam-My Bellybutton is my Crystalball! Or Get The Latest Issue of COCKROACH a zine for poor and working-class people Back issues of Cockroach and the book can also be found at; -------------------------------------------------------- --- from list ---
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