Date: Fri, 21 Mar 1997 20:57:21 +0000 Subject: M-G: albania and state capitalism Walter Daum corrects my mis-statement of his position on the law of value. It is clear from his response that he sees the law of value operating in the 1930's. It is interesting that he takes Stalin's word for this given Stalin's view that the LOV was not necessarily limited to capitalism. Trotsky disagreed. Paul asks for my definition of the LOV. Shane comes up with a definition from Marx that I won't quibble with. It states that the LOV is the means by which social labour is allocated under capitalism. It is specific to capitalism, since VALUE is a form specific to capitalism. For the LOV to operate as the mechanism of allocation of social labour, value as abstract labour presupposes labour-power as a commodity which a use-value and exchange value, its use-value being its capacity to satisfy the need of capital to extract surplus-value. As I understand bureaucratic planning in the SU, the LOV was not the mechanism of allocation of social labour, planning was. Production was of use-values not exchange-values. The fact that planning was inefficient and wasteful [by the standards of a healthy workers plan] and was augmented by "incentives" to labour and management etc does not change this. The prices attached to goods did not gravitate around "value" as abstract labour, since no extraction of value in exchange was possible. Prices in fact were set by the bureaucracy and did not represent "socially necessary labour time" but centrally determined allocative priorities. This was why the plan as a mechanism for the allocation of labour time was as failure, squandering labour power as waste production. The extraction of surplus-labour which formed the basis of the bureaucracy's privileges was in the consumption of more and better use-values. This is why the form that "exploitation" took under the bureaucracy cannot be fitted into the straight-jacked concept of capitalist exploitation as Neil suggests. The resistance to this form of exploitation put up by the working class, representing the conservation of social labour, coming into contradiction with the self-defeating limits of bureaucratic planning is the closest we can get to a `law of motion' in the SU. It was a contradiction that mediated the contradiction between the plan as workers property and the gains of the revolution on the one hand, and the law of value internationally on the other. This is what is fundamental in deciding between the SC or DWS explanation of the SU. Not as Shane says, and as Walter also claims, the failure of the working class to defend state property after 1989. I would argue that it was because Trotsky was able to foresee the further incursion of bourgeois forms spreading from the superstructure into state property, that he considered the possiblity of political revolution failing, and a "cold stroke" restoration i.e. a restoration without a civil war. Far from confirming the strength of the SC theory, the restoration of capitalism in the SU does the opposite. It confirms Trotsky's view that the SU was a transitional regime which could with the overthrow of the bureaucracy move towards socialism, or with the collapse of the planned economy restore capitalism. Restoration became inevitable because the stagnation and collapse took the form of underproduction. Workers opted for a "democratic counter-revolution" which promised them plenty in the place of scarcity. The shift to the market and the LOV as the dominant mechanism for the allocation of social labour, saw the massive "devaluation" of soviet "congealed labour" in plant and goods and in wages. Now there was a market in labour and in commodities, and of course, overproduction. The suggestion that the restoration of market capitalism in the SU is analogous to the neo-liberal attacks on state intervention in the West is a classic instance of empiricism. The appearances are not the concrete truth. The SU collapsed because of its internal stagnation. The attacks on state intervention in the West resulted from the TRPF and the fact that state spending was a drain on already falling profits. It is the same method which separates the LOV from capitalist social relations and stretches Marx's concepts to fit a bureaucratically planned economy. How can a mechanism of social labour allocation which does not base itself on value as abstract labour possibly be considered the LOV? How can a distributional method of surplus-labour extraction be confused with the LOV? The answer is "In Defence of Marxism". Because the petty bourgeois cannot advance a concept of socialism that does not evolve out of bourgeois democracy, it could not defend the SU when the bureaucracy was busy persecuting people and invading tiny "democracies". Unconditional defence of the SU was not popular so those who adapted to democratic imperialism devised the theory of state capitalism to justify their position. In the process the "gains" of the revolution were recast as the trade union and economic gains of a working class in a capitalist society. Now after decades of writing off the "gains" of October, this position is vindicated by pointing to the failure of SU workers to defend these gains! This position is a variety of Menshevism, because it repudiates the unconditional defence of October, says "neither Washington nor Moscow" etc, and puts in its place an historic schema based on an empiricist methodology. If we apply this analysis to Albania it becomes clear that capitalist restoration in the DWS's have created the most miserable collapsed semi-colonies which have to take imperialisms terms for any economic recovery. Unless you understand that this represents an historic defeat for the worlds workers you cannot see the importance of these events. Hence the shocks and massive social disruption, made worse in Albania by the low level of development because of the history of Albanian autarky during its DWS period, and the shocking connivance of the IMF representing western finance capital in the get-rich-quick investment schemes. Thus to explain the uprising in Albania, we must trace the root causes back through restoration to the DWS and beyond to see why an historical conjuncture of "concrete truth" takes on these forms. Dave. --- from list ---
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