File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/97-03-22.213, message 7

Date: Mon, 17 Mar 1997 22:57:45 -0500 (EST)
Subject: M-G: Re: [PEN-L:8962] Congolese Revolution (was Re: Roemer's folly)

At the end of a well-argued posting, Louis Proyect wrote:

> Albania, Zaire, etc. are imperfect and semicloaked manifestations of the
>>proletarian revolution.

This is strange.  Where in the world are "etc."?  Why talk of  "Zaire" when
the "rebels" (whose overwhelming mass support is now evident) call for the
liberation of  (Lumumba's) Congo, not (Mobutu's) "Zaire?"  And why does a
blind and desperate popular uprising in the smallest and most backward
country of the Balkans  belong in the same sentence with a victorious
popular revolution in the largest and potentially most productive country
of Africa?  And what can "imperfect and semicloaked manifestations of the
proletarian revolution" possibly signify?  Is "the proletarian revolution"
some God that chooses to manifest itself now here now there, in this or
that disguise?

The Congolese revolution is a political revolution aimed at establishing
democracy in tens of thousands of villages  and repairing the ruin that
the CIA's golden boy, Joseph Mobutu, inflicted on every aspect of the
Congolese infrastructure.  It faces enormous tasks and has enormous
progressive potentialities.  All the imperialists will seek to subvert it
in all sorts of ways, military intervention being the least likely.

The Congolese revolution is just beginning with the overthrow of Mobutu.
It will last a long, long, time and will be decisive for all of Africa.
Beyond that, we can know very little yet.  Theoretical pronouncements and
slogans are grossly premature for us.  Our ability to study and respond
will test the quality and utility of these lists.  As yet little indeed has
been posted, but (give the devil his due!) Rolf Martens has so far made a
real contribution.  I hope we see a lot more from many more contributors,
and soon.

Shane Mage

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