File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/97-03-27.235, message 16

Date: Mon, 24 Mar 1997 22:24:38 -0500 (EST)

In a message dated 97-03-24 21:54:03 EST, (Hariette
Spierings) writes:

<< I want to remind this our Leninlist of my last posting to M-I and how it
 shows now that we were right in anticipating that among the many reactionary
 dispositions of the Queen Bee and her drones, there is one exclusively aimed
 at allowing themselves to be spared from any further unmasking of their
 condition as defenders of the imperialist system, defenders and
 propagandisers of its reactionary concepts and, principally, of its bogus
 "feminism", geared to drive progressive women into "expecting advancement of
 their cause" from the likes of Hilary Clinton and the US democratic party
 hacks, from US imperialism, the most unbriddled enemy of working women and
 working men.  >>

what a sentence. do you actually think thoughts like this ? 

your head must hurt. 

to brand other socialists as fascist belies your confusion. to continue with
your sexist taunts is also telling. 

it must be so serious being you. 

your caricature of marxism gives meaning to the looney left and a smile to
the lips of any capitalist.

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