Date: Tue, 25 Mar 1997 06:19:45 +0100 (MET) Subject: M-G: UNITE! Info #30en: 2/2 Albania - briefly on present, past UNITE! Info #30en: 2/2 Albania - briefly on present, past [Posted: 25.03.97] [Continued from part 1/2] THE COMPLICATED CLASS STRUGGLE IN CHINA IN 1976: WHAT STAND DID THE ALBANIAN PARTY TAKE? As has been already quite extensively written about in several earlier UNITE! Infos, socialism was overthrown in China between late 1976 and the end of 1978 approximately. This was the result of the actions by two reactionary groups, which indirectly supported each others' actions as well as contending with each other for supremacy and which both had been consistently combated by Mao Zedong: The phoney"left" "4-Gang", intensively hated by the people and finally stricken down in October 1976 by the forces of Hua Guofeng, which initially at least on the surface continued Mao Zedong's line completely but which only weeks later started to commit treason and to coalesce with the openly-rightist group of Deng Xiaoping, this eventually resulting in a complete restoration of capitalism in China. AN ERROR CONCERNING THE ALBANIAN PARTY OF LABOUR IN "UNITE! INFOS" #21EN AND #22EN, AND A COMMENT ON SOME FALSE "FRIENDS" And in this connection, it's suitable to correct one error that was made both in "UNITE! Info #21en: Debate with Olaechea, '96 VII" on 27.10.96, in "UNITE! Info #22en: The 4-Gang in China, 1976" on 03.11.96 and in those earlier postings which were then repro- dices in those Infos, namely, the statement that the Albanian Party of Labour led by Enver Hodxa at the important point of the striking down of the 4-Gang in China was among those extremely few foreign parties that did *not* congratulate Hua Guofeng on his being appointed Chairman of the CPC, those parties thus making clear their open support for the ultra-rightist 4-Gang. I erroneously wrote that there was "no" telegram or letter of congratulations from Hodxa to Hua at that point. But there *was*, as can be seen in issue No. 45 / 1976 of the Peking Review, where Enver Hodxa's message on behalf of the APL was quoted in full, and as the second one of all the many such messages published; only the message from the Vietnamese party was featured above it. There eventually *was* a break APL-CPC, but this didn't come out into the open until 1978. This shortens the list of actually open supporters (of any importance) of the unmasked and beaten 4-Gang in China in October 1976 down to two parties: the "Roter Morgen" in Germany (see i.a. "UNITE! Info #12en) and the later even much more infamous "RPC" of the USA - as nasty a little band of backstabbers and CIA/KGB muppets as ever you saw. In fact it's quite possible that the APL:s growing revisionism and eventual open vilification of Mao Zedong to a certain extent were spurred on by those and similar camouflaged representatives on the international level of the superpowers in general and of US imperialism in particular. That power, for instance, has been working in such a way several times before and also later. THE ALBANIAN PARTY OF LABOUR IN 1978 OPENLY VILIFIES MAO ZEDONG AND BREAKS WITH EQUALLY REVISIONIST COMMUNIST PARTY OF CHINA In 1978, the ALP under Hodxa finally went revisionist, which took that expression in international affairs that it now started vilifying, less than two years after his death, Mao Zedong, whose correct line during his lifetime it had supported at least approxi- mately, as purportedly having been - " a revisionist of the same kind as Deng Xiaoping"(!). This then meant that the APL took up a similar position, in relation to Mao Zedong's correct line, as had earlier the 4-Gang in China itself, only with the difference that the 4-Gang had pretended that their reactionary phoney"left" line had been "that of Mao Zedong", trying to "identify" Chairman Mao with themselves, while Hodxa now tried to "identify" him with Deng. Though different on that point, the lines of the 4-Gang and Hodxa, respectively, were quite parallell in essence, and the Albanian people were soon to experience what that meant as far as economic policy was concerned. Suppose that the 4-Gang had really got to rule China? (If the reader will allow such a hypothetical question as meaningful.) It appears obvious that they would have been even worse than the Deng Xiaoping rightists, in fact turning China into another Albania or something like that, before they were kicked out. In Europe, the "Roter Morgen" in (West) Germany and a few other miserable phoney"Marxist" groups in 1978 followed Hodxa's openly-revisionist lead. On the first page of the newspaper "Roter Morgen", for instance, Mao Zedong's head was cut off from the earlier image of the "five classics" - a vile parody. Precisely in 1978 too, the "RCP" in the USA started openly to build up its total falsification of recent Chinese history and recent international Marxist-Leninist history, which consisted - and still consists - in portraying *the 4-Gang* as "the real revolutionaries in China"(!!). And this vile lie is still "with us", for the "RCP" and/or some other forces controlled by US imperialism obviously managed to convince that important party the PCP in Peru of the "correct- ness" of this falsification of history and of some other very dirty attacks against the line of Mao Zedong which were likewise embodied in the "RCP"-sponsored 1984 so-called "Declaration of the RIM", a reactionary document which the PCP was fooled into cosigning the same year and which unfortunately it hasn't distanced itself from yet. Hodxa's revisionism has long been condemned, quite rightly, by the PCP. The quite similar revisionism of the 4-Gang has not. This is a serious problem. WHAT HAS BEEN THE ROLE OF US IMPERIALISM? As I pointed out in "UNITE! #3en" on 01.01.96, there was and is an important connection between the 4-Gang in China and its whole ideology, on the one hand, and the long-time efforts of US imperialism at subverting the international Marxist-Leninist movement, on the other. And as a certain pendant to this, the earlier so important KDP/ML(NEUE EINHEIT) in 1992, even after it had itself in reality turned into a bourgeois party, in one of its leaflets noted as an interesting fact the very warm welcome that US Secterary of State James Baker 3rd had received from actually very big crowds of people on the occasion of his visit 1991 to Albania - a country that, supposedly, had long been a "socialist" one and whose only recently toppled leadership had always - in words - squarely condemned precisely US imperialism as the biggest oppressor and exploiter in the world. Behind those words, then, what had been the real game of that former Albanian leadership? For how long had, under the surface, massive US subversion been going on in Albania? I don't know the precise answer to that question, or to the one in the sub-heading above. But I hold that they would merit considerable attention, in any more complete future investi- gation and analysis of the recent history of Albania and of that of the international Marxist-Leninist movement. What may lie ahead for the Albanian people? Concerning such things, the Chinese communists always used to say: "The future is bright, the road tortuous". Though the situation in that country at present does look more "tortuous" than "bright", the development of the whole international situation today definitely seems to bear out this theory too. UNITE! / VEREINIGT EUCH! / UNISSEZ-VOUS! / =A1UNIOS! / F=D6RENA ER! Info en/de/fr/es/se series: Advocates the political line of Marx, Lenin and Mao Zedong. Each item # will be posted in one or more language(s). Leaflets in the INFORMATIONSBLAD series published by me, mainly in Swedish, since 1975 are available on request. Bef=FCrwortet die politische Linie von Marx, Lenin und Mao Zedong. Jedes Nummer # wird in einer oder mehreren Sprache(n) gesandt werden. Flugbl=E4tter der Reihe INFORMATIONSBLAD, von mir haupts=E4chlich in Schwedisch seit 1975 ver=F6ffentlicht, sind auf Anfrage erhaltlich. Avocate de la ligne politique de Marx, Lénine et Mao Zedong. Chaque numéro # sera envoyé en une ou plusieurs langue(s). Volantes de la série INFORMATIONSBLAD, publiée par moi principalement en suédois depuis 1975, sont accessibles sur demande. Partidaria de la l=EDnea pol=EDtica de Marx, Lenin y Mao Zedong. Cado n=FAmero # sera enviado en una o varias lengua(s). Se pueden conseguir a la demanda volantes de la serie INFORMATIONSBLAD, publicada por me principalmente en sueco desde 1975. F=F6respr=E5kar Marx', Lenins och Mao Zedongs politiska linje. Varje nummer # kommer att s=E4ndas p=E5 ett eller flera spr=E5k. Flygblad i serien INFORMATIONSBLAD, publicerad av mig huvudsakligen p=E5 svenska sedan 1975, kan f=E5s p=E5 beg=E4ran. Postal address: Rolf Martens Nobelvaegen 38 S - 214 33 Malmoe SWEDEN Tel: +46 - 40 - 124832 --- from list ---
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