Date: Sun, 23 Mar 1997 09:17:53 +0100 Subject: Re: M-G: Re: Just a thought Hugh writes; >a stone is worthy of consideration. And there's always the "cockroach" >factor to be taken into consideration, where class oppression produces such >a hatred for the oppressing society that even valuable products such as >culture are seen first and sometimes exclusively as expressions of a >hostile class rather than of the creative spirit of humanity. and > >Human beings aren't just sexual and political animals, they're also >cultural animals. It's one of those things that finds expression anyhow, >regardless of the social setting, even though the form of the expression is >deeply and sometimes brutally determined by the society the artists live in. How quaint Hugh! I don,t particully agree when Hugh uses the term "Cockroach factor" in painting a scenario of those horrible lumpens and proletarian elements coming out of the middle of the night in order to revenge themselves by destroying bougeois culteral institutions or individual works by some particular artist. In fact Cockroach has never advocated destroying bougeois cultural institutions in anyway despite the rightful rage poor and working class people can certainly have towards these institutions. But Cockroach does stand on the side of the poeble! Off with their heads! The cry of the Paris Commune was certainly defensible despite that innocent people certainly went to the big knife! Where by the way does the line go Hugh? Should communists have stopped the plundering of the closets of the ex dictator Marcos wifes shoe closet or is it the churches and museums you are afraid the Prolos might turn into chicken farms? Or how about Spain in the 30ties and the revolutionary axcesses against the church? The point being that bougeois "culture" hardly has anything to do with mankind being some sort of creative cultural animal-but that culture was and is determined by who has the political power in society. And the creative types in fact put their creativity mostly in the form of creating for those in power through the ages.And in fact is a SYMBOL which many times is thrown in the face of poor and working class people by the class enemy who's only fucking message is --you know your place--slave--and we are your fucking masters! Despite the Pyramids for example being one of the so called "seven wonders" (who's wonders?) it does not erase the fact that it was slaves and their blood that buildt them under i would assume not so wonderful working conditions. Or how about some of the great paintings and skulptures in say a museum like the Lourve in Paris? Were these created for the love of creation or was it a job for the local king or dictator of a particular period? How about Notre Dame? Why not a chicken farm? Naturally one has to approach this as a concious militant communist. Thus revolutionary accesses will certainly destroy some of the great institutions of bougeois culture and perhaps even indidvidual works in a revolutionary overthrow. It will depend on the level of class conciousness and leadership naturally. And resistance put up by the class enemy.. Nor will a new culture develop automatically but will like the transitional state be a slow process connected to the political super structure and the dictatorship of the Proletariat which will try to give as many people as possible and equal opportunity to develop their cultural skills in all fields. But to put the question as you do I almost get the feeling that you find yourself in needing a towel for your tears over the possibility that the masses in their hatred and revenge might destroy some of the cultural institutions of the past. I think it will be a combination of the two both violence and in time the education and development of the victorious proletariat excersizing its dictatorship which will wash away for perhaps once and for all time-- all vestiges of the monuments leftover from the preceding historical period. Unfortunately I do not have the same tears! My tears are with the millions upon millions of people historically who offered their blood and in fact were buried in some of the most incredibly disgusting places in the world. For example the trenches in world war 1 or Aushwitz in WW2. This was part of the price so those charming people of the better part of society to live in their fucking dream world. By the way you stuff about culture in Ayshwitz is really tear jerking but the truth is that that culture went into a fucking gas chamber and other parts of it were melted down and sent to Swedish and Swiss banks! One the other hand.. In fact here in Sweden the only culture back in the beginning of the workers movement was a militant carrying a wooden box with a couple of books or a newspaper around and sharing it with perhaps ten or a hundred other workers. At the same time the King and Queen here were walsing around in their fucking palaces with powered wigs and silk dresses! So I really do not have any fucking tears if the palace in Stockholm with all of its "culture" might get blow up or burned to the growned in a Proletarian upprising. But if it is destroyed it will be because it was neccessary for the workers to storm the palace and not for revanchist stupidity. And in fact you are wrong on the Stalinists and culture. Just as in many other questions the stalinists did all kinds of Zig Zags on this stuff. In fact the "Red Front" period where Aldolfo is running around in these days was a period of fake "Proletarian Culture" where the Stalinists did some pretty despicable things. And in fact this was connected to the women's question where the Prolo culture put women on a fucking pedistal and back behind the stove and raising kids for the "Socialist Fatherland"..And the other side of the coin was in fact the problems that the Bolshevik's had after October where many men deserted their women for "the revolution" insteasd of making these women a part of the revolution..It is not just a fucking question of how many libraries are available to workers. And you stuff on the welfare states. Naturally Communists defend these instituitions like libraries and even theater, the opera, and the circus when the state goes in and makes cuts. Not because of any great love for bougeois cultural institutions but because Communists are the tribunes of defense for all oppressed people in society including many of the people who work very hard in these institutions. But not because a fucking Picasso is hanging on the wall.. Finally "Cockroach" has the Trotskyist position on this question. That it will only be the dictatorship of the Proletariat under the leadership of a Bolshevik party that can solve these kinds of problems. And it will take a very long time, not just years, but generations before bougeois culture can be destroyed! And it will! Good! However we might keep some of the artifacts to look at.Beautiful things even if they represent and alien class and historically have been created at the expense of the blood of millions upon millions of poor and working class people should not be destroyed. Nor should they be kept locked up but used in the historical education of the future generations. Warm Regards Bob Malecki ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- Check Out My HomePage where you can, Read the book! Ha Ha Ha McNamara, Vietnam-My Bellybutton is my Crystalball! Or Get The Latest Issue of, COCKROACH, a zine for poor and working-class people -------------------------------------------------------- --- from list ---
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