Date: Tue, 25 Mar 1997 14:53:00 +0100 (MET) Subject: M-G: Congo: From "solidaire", PTB, Belgium, 19.03 The latest issue of French-language weekly "solidaire" published by the Partie du Travaille de Belgique (PTB), homepage in English <>, e-mail address <> - a party against which I i.a. have the objection that it says China today is "socialist" but whose standpoint on Congo/Zaire to me seems quite good and obviously is based on some first-hand information - has two articles on this subject on its p. 12 (19.03.97): "Kisangani liberated" and "'Send aid to the liberated territories' - A delegation returning from eastern Zaire calls on the Belgian government", both by Tony Busselen. Here are some excerpts in translation: (First article:) "In the neighbouring [to Kisangani] province of Kasai, the population's enmity towards Mobutu's regime is very strong. Militarily, the base of Kamina [was an important airbase in the conflict in 1960] and the city of Mbuyi Mai are the important places. It's there that Mobutu's army and the mercenaries are supposed to be concentrated." "Moreels, the [Belgian] Minister of Co-operation, [earlier] visting Kisangani, pronounced himself in favour of an air bridge in order to break the siege of the city....Also, he made a very much contested statement evoking a supposed 'genocide against the hutus' perpetrated by the rebels in eastern Zaire...A commentator in the Dutch 'Volkskrant' [05.03] noted with indignation: 'Geo-political interests... How dares Moreels? It was because of geo-political interests that Belgium and France supported the Rwandan hutus, including the murderers. The dictator Mobutu and his army which rapes and pillages enjoys their full confidence too.'" (Second article:) "We are publishing below extracts from a mission of Belgian non-governmenmtal organizations (NGOs) to Kivu, in the eastern Zaire liberated by Kabila's Alliance. The mission was led by Pierre Galand. Its members are calling on the Belgian government not to engage in useless sanctions against the civilian population by a masked embargo. They ask it to support the Belgian NGOs which want to disseminate aid in the liberated territories, in co-operation with the new authorities." "It is not to late to do the right thing. The minister Pronk visited Goma on 8 March 1997. He met with the Alliance's president, Mr. Kabila. African personages, and not the most unimportant among them, have stated their direct support for the Alliance: Mandela, Mugabe, Dos Santos, Nyerere. German Protestant churches have sent an initial two aircraft with medical aid to the civilian population of Kivu. The airport at Goma functions." "We appeal to the Belgian government urgently to consider the fact that the Belgian NGOs Oxfam, Cemubac, Solidarité Socialiste, Médicine pour le Tiers Monde [Medicine for the Third World] are engaging in giving immediate help to the population in Kivu...We appeal to the Belgian government to release immediately the funds provided for in the budget for medical aid to Zaire, which should go to Kivu, reserving such aid entirely for the territory controlled by the Alliance...." [So far the extracts from "solidaire"] Rolf M. --- from list ---
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