Date: Tue, 25 Mar 1997 09:11:40 -0500 Subject: M-G: Re: Monday Posts M-I (part two) > >>The complete and utter dissolution of any correspondance with the stated >>aims of the Marxism-International list (proletarian internationalism) and >..... > >Look, comrade Adolfo, why do you want to be on that slave list >at all, with those ball-and-chain rules that were already there >from the begining? > >Why complain now that you must have a ball-and-chain to each >leg instead of only to one? > >Why not simply move here to M-G and ask everybody half >sensible to do the same? > >Compete with Louis Nobleman et consortes in bullshitting >even you will not manage anyway, I'd guess - and what might be >the point of such? > >Still on principle supporting you and the others against >*all* extra balls etc etc on M-I of course. > >Rolf M. > --- from list --- >=============================================================== As to comrade Rolf' position it must be said that he - for his own narrow reasons - endorses anarchism and fails to understand the need to firmly "ball and chain" the reactionaries and the agents provocateurs such as malecki, the fascists posing as "leftists" such as the Peruvian old state defender Utica Rose, the Voice of America hacks such as Barney Rosser, the criminal anti-working class wreckers such as the Trotskyst sectarians, and to establish the supremacy of Marxism. He invites serious comrades to partake of the company of roaches and frogs, such as malecki, Rodwell, and all other reactionaries and considers himself "free from any balls and chains" in their company. However, there in the malecki list, while malecki himself is nothing but a door-mat moderator, Marxism itself is hobbled with the "ball and chain" of the swamp and the "comradeship" of the agent-provocateurs. What comrade Rolf does not understand is the need for Marxists to advance away and differentiate themselves from the swamp. To raise their level among true comrades and to resolve their differences in a democratic and principled fashion AMONG REVOLUTIONARIES. Comrade Rolf is like a "lone wolf". He has many things that he holds dear but which other Marxists (the overwhelming majority) do not want to discuss or resolve at present. This irks him no end since his individualism gets the better of him, and that is the root cause of why on many occassions he ends up giving ammunition to the enemies of the communist cause. He understands not the need for the "ball and chain" of revolutionary discipline and the "ball and chain" on the intellectual that taking the masses feelings and level of development into consideration involves. That is why he prefers the apparently "free" atmosphere of the swamp and spends quite a lot of his time finding points of "agreement" with the agent provocateurs such as malecki. He likes and enjoys such purposeless "pillow fights" with the eunuchs of reaction. He understands not the need of Marxists to advance away from the swamp. To differentiate themselves from the inhabitants of the swamp. In any case: Is there any subject in which we have not already - not once, but a hundred times - totally unmasked the maleckis and the Rodwells, the Wayne Austins and the Utica Roses? Have we not establish sufficiently their barely disguised fascistic character? What is there now in their arguments but asseveration, slander and repetition of the same all tired and twisted reactionary arguments? Nothing at all. The only one in Marxism-General with an interest in bringing communists to waste their time going back into a provocateurs pit such as that list is comrade Rolf himself, since only there can he post his individualistic theories without hindrance. This is putting Rolf Martens's narrow interest above the class's interests. I have said long ago that for me Marxism-General is nothing but a bulletin board (among many others), and as such, I will use it as many times as I please without offering any succour or even a nod of acknowledgement to the vile malecki - who, for me, as a "moderator" is nothing but a door-mat with a reactionary whistle attached to it. Every time you trod on that door-mat, it whistles a reactionary letany. And so what? To use this bulletin board (as I do others) means concretely that whatever points of view I want widely disseminated, will also trample over malecki (the toothless "moderator") lying prone on the floor. The price to pay for this dissemination in Marxism-General is that malecki and the rest of the dogs of reaction will bark and work themselves into a lather! That is absolutely predictable and unavoidable. According to comrade Rolf, I have ALSO to hear their predictable and imbecilic whines as well? According to comrade Rolf, I should do that!. Does comrade Rolf have any interestor derives any pleasure in us giving the agent provocateurs yet another chance to red-bait the communists and attempt once more to substantiate the imperialist allegations about "issuing death threats" that they desperately seek to pin upon the revolutionaries in cahoots with the imperialist secret services? And all this in "fair" exchange for his own pet theories having a free ride? Take El Diario Internacional. Does this courageous and heroic revolutionary press organ have to demean itself down to the level of a "Cockroach"? For comrade Rolf, it does. In LeninList there are also ball and chains and we make no bones about them. Comrade Rolf will find he may join but that some of his posting will not be allowed, unlike in the malecki pigsty. Ball and chains against reactionaries, against indiscipline and disruptive activities. Many of the activities of comrade Rolf - not all - fall into that category and are antagonistic to any purposeful debate at the present time. Any sincere communist would understand that procedural "proletarian ball and chain" and accept it with Leninist and Maoist discipline. We communists are not anarchists, but defenders of one type of dictatorship over another. Moreover, the worst ball and chain is the ball and chain of liberalism, and that is the one comrade Rolf insists in impossing on us, who have, in Lenin's words, "consciously come together and set ourselves apart". He advocates that the communists, who have already taken this step - a rebellious one against the swamp - to return to it and take another bath along with the roaches and the snakes. --- from list ---
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