File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/97-03-27.235, message 24

Date: Tue, 25 Mar 1997 11:14:03 -0500
Subject: M-G: Urgent letter to Cockroach and reply!

The following letter and my reply has led to the fact that Cockroach has 
stopped publication of the International Communist League (ICL) document  
"Revolution Regroupment or centrist alchemy?". It also means that the below 
will immediately go up at my homepage in place of the first part of this 
article which was published their.

PS: All subsequent replies (from all parties involved) regarding this matter 
will also be published there for all to read.

 Warm Regards
Bob Malecki

Check Out My HomePage where you can,

Read the book! Ha Ha Ha McNamara,
Vietnam-My Bellybutton is my Crystalball!

Or Get The Latest Issue of,

COCKROACH, a zine for poor and workingclass people

Back issues of Cockroach and my book at


Dear Comrade Malecki;

We received your latest issue of Cockroach! magazine.

You should be aware that one of the people named in the Spartacists'
document has written a letter of protest to them about the inclusion of
his real name.  There are security issues involved, and it is
unprincipled for the ICL to ignore these issues.

We have forwarded your posting to him, and ask you to wait until you
hear from him before posting the second half of this document.  You will
probably hear from him within the next day or so.

By the way, the Spartacist document blatantly lies about the positions
of Workers' Voice (and they are fully aware of this).

Martin Sayles,
Workers' Voice (U.S.)
\ Workers' Voice                            P.O. Box 44593 /
\ Detroit MI 48244-0593                      UNITED STATES /
> (313) 535-7161                       Fax: (313) 535-4212 <
/ \
/          \
/          \

Dear Workers Voice,

Until futher notice I will not publish any more parts of the International 
Communist League (ICL) document in Cockroach and I will immediately remove 
the first part of this document from my homepage. Replacing it with your 
letter and this reply until futher notice.

Naturally I do this on principle and i am giving you the benefit of doubt 
when you say that one of your leading comrades is threatened by security 
problems. I personally know what this question means having been chased by 
both the CIA,FBI and others during the Vietnam war. In fact the FBI went 
into my wifes home and put guns to our babies heads in their ivor to locate 
Bob Malecki..

However, the article by the ICL is and important part of finding 
revolutionary clarity in all those groups claiming to be "authodox" 
Trotskyists. And hopefully a solution to the security question can be found 
on the name question. Because the activities of some of the groups and 
people in question must certainly up for discussion about their earlier 
activities during a very crucial period of the history of the International 
workers movement.

Naturally I will allso take into consideration what and if the leadership of 
the ICL
have to say about this question. Or anyone else involved in this matter and 
all material will be published at my sight for all to read in place of the 
article immediately.

But until then the only principled position on this question by Cockroach is 
to continue preparing the article "revolutionary regroupment" for 
publication and waiting to hear the response of all the individuals and 
organisations involved in this matter.

I take the liberty of immediately publishing your letter and my reply in a 
(urgent) Letter to Cockroach so that all will understand the seriousness of 
this question. No one including political opponents should be turned out 
publically to the possibility of repression from the bougeois state and 
Cockroach will certainly not be a part of this kind of activity. 

And I doubt that the ICL or (Sparts) would have a concious policy of doing 
that as they have always on principle fought this kind of stuff..

Until futher notice..

Warm Regards
Bob Malecki

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