Date: Tue, 25 Mar 1997 14:35:35 -0500 Subject: M-G: Stalinist raving! The latest round of Stalinist raving and bluster about "Queen bees" , "agent provacateurs", "fascists", etc is a good example of a dying, if not dead political tendency which has led the poor and working class to some great defeats not in the least handing over the Soviet Union to imperialism. But the actions of these political cowards speaks much more then any of the filth coming from the mouth of one of their leadin spokesman Aldolfo. By running off in to their little corner of cyberspace and banning political opponents from the newly created "lenin list" they show in *real* practice that they like the old ivory tower in M1 need to resort to organisational solutions in their total inability to defend their bankrupt politics. All the name calling and bluster in the world can't not cover up the fact that these people ran off and are hiding and using classical Stalinist slander and lies to avoid any kind of *real* political confrontation with the politics of the Bolshevik Leninist and followers of authodox Trotskyism. And in fact in the ivor to convince any serious person of their completely warped turn of late they even are attacking just about everybody who does not follow the line of God Gonzalo.. Along with Malecki Militants like Jon, Zeynep,Joshie, Jerry, Hugh and even Proyect and Godena are included in some of the above Stalinist slanders. So in their desperation they have declared war on just about everybody. A war of blustering slanders, name calling and lies. Hmmm..Well some advice to Aldolfo and his Detcom photographer! If this don't work you can always try incarnation of old Joe himself. Does anybody know of some wacko mediators with the world beyond that can help these people because they need something really exceptional to get out of the grave that they have dug themselves.. Warn regards Bob Malecki -------------------------------------------------------- Check Out My HomePage where you can, Read the book! Ha Ha Ha McNamara, Vietnam-My Bellybutton is my Crystalball! Or Get The Latest Issue of, COCKROACH, a zine for poor and workingclass people Back issues of Cockroach and my book at -------------------------------------------------------- --- from list ---
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