File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/97-03-27.235, message 28

Date: Tue, 25 Mar 1997 20:44:38 +0000
Subject: Re: M-G: Congo: People wins! US govt., Trot etc muppets los


DAVID: Therefore, while Kabila is fighting a genuine struggle
against Mobutu for democracy we can point our guns in the same
direction. However, we cannot give him any political support. .... 
revolutionaries have to fight for their armed independence and to
mobilise  workers and poor peasants under their own class banner. 

KARL: Your above remarks make little sense. If Kabila is "fighting a 
genuine struggle against Mobutu for democracy" then it follows that 
that it must be have a revolutionary working class character. However 
since it is patently lacks this character it cannot be a geunine struggle for 

You also suggest that "we" point our guns in the same direction as 
Kabila while not giving him political support. This is absurd. If you 
are pointing your guns in the same direction as Kabila then, by that 
token, you are giving him political support. 

Here we have an example from you of the classic Trotskyist formula
of wanting to have one's cake and eat it. Orthodox trotskyism is
infamous fro this opportunist formula. They have ad nauseam
proclaimed it in relation to the Provisiaonl IRA aremed activities
in Ireland. Their view is that Trotskyism can support the right
of the IRA to engage in armed struggle (plant bombs that blow up
civilians including young children) against British imperialism while
disagreeing with the character of that so called armed struggle.
This is so opportunist and theoreticaly stupid a formula. It is like
saying that I support your right to rape a woman but I dont agree
with your raping her.

Incidentally this "we" in "we can point our guns in the same
direction"  is a further expression of your complacent stupiditity.
It is not YOU who is pointing your gun or guns at anybody. No! You
are comfortably ensconced in your seat in front of your PC. From
this comfortable ethno-centric position it is so easy for you to say
in what direction guns should be pointed. However it is not you nor
your family and friends that are being killed, wounded and displaced 
in war-torn Zaire. 



                          Yours etc.,

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