File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/97-03-27.235, message 3

Date: Sun, 23 Mar 1997 05:17:09 -0500
Subject: M-G: Two Questions!

Dear List..

Louis G is confusing M-i with two questions. On the one hand he has become 
the white knight in shining armour who is defending Aldolfo and the "Lenin" 
list by cross posting Aldofo's Stalinist Garbage on the women's question and 
(Affirmative Action) at the same time Aldolfo is in PRACTICE using his own 
demented program of anti-democratic and affirmative action program on the 
"Lenin" list in order to avoid confronting his political opponents by 
banning certain people and political trends from taking part in the 

On the other hand Godena is trying to translate his own false position on 
the question of affirmative action into a cover for Aldolfo's unprincipled 
and opportunist Stalinist line on this question.

I agree with both Jon and Zeynep that Aldolfo can come here and defend his 
macho Stalinist opinions on this question any time he wants to instead of 
barricading himself and his lapdog photographer DetCom along with Mark Jones 
in a private little corner of cyberspace screaming that everybody is 
counter-revolutionary that do not support the bankrupt politics of the PCP 
and every speech that god Gonzalo ever made in his life as a condition for 
being on the Lenin list.. He does not need a spokesman on this list Godena. 
Why don't you admit that you are doing a anxiety flim-flam number as 
moderater and Stalinist. The flim flam started when you began apoligizing 
for the despicable activities that Aldolfo was dumped for a short period of 
time from M-I for. And now you go from apoligizing for Aldolfo to becoming 
his fucking lawyer as he marched out of here slandering everybody and 
building the new Stalin list which forbids any serious political opponents 
>from taking part in the discussions at all!  

On affirmative action Communists defend this stuff despite that it will 
hardly solve the problems on women or the minorities. And that the feminists 
and reformists see in Affirmative action a single issue which they can use 
to reinforce their crendentials as "progressive" activists of some sort. And 
we defend this despite whatever the trade union bureaucracy says or does! We 
do not try and find excuses for not defending AA as you are doing you 
political coward. 

In fact affirmative action came about as the result of some really great 
struggles against rascism in the 50ties and sixties in order to head off any 
kind of deeper radicalization of people. At  best reformist solution which 
in some cases actually helped some people to get in to places that never 
before were interested in employing minorities or women. 

These days when affirmative action like many other programs (welfare) that 
came out of the post war boom and struggles are under attack it is the duty 
of every Communist to defend these programs while at the same time clearly 
pointing out that these "reforms" and going back to the good old days is 
hardly in the interests of poor and working class people and in fact never 
were..It was a tactic by the class enemy under pressure to buy time...

The present attacks on the reforms of the post war era have reasons. And two 
of the most important reasons are the demise of the former Soviet Union and 
the Eastern European deformed workers states and the fact that the 
contradictions of imperialist society in decay are once again turning 
towards a period of wars and revolutions in order to once again redevide the 
pie where the limit of relatively peaceful co-existence amongst the 
imperialists during the post war and cold war period against the Stalinist 
regimes has now come to and end. This period is being replaced with a 
growing inter-imperialist rivilry in a time where capitalist expansion and 
new markets is extremely limited. 

The present jockeying around the Balkan states, the middle east, connected 
to a declaration of war against the poor and working class populations at 
home quite clearly shows that utopian reforms like "affirmative action" and 
welfare are being thrown aside because the bougeoisie feeling victorious 
against the former Soviet Union feel it is no longer neccessary to appease 
sentiment at home. 

It is the chase after profits and markets which no longer exist like they 
did after the destruction of nearly half the world in the last war that is 
driving the various imperialists camps once again to the brink.

Naturally the only thing that can stop this is a few victorious proletarian 
revolutions along the lines of October. However years of Stalinist political 
bankruptcy and mismanagement during a whole historical period has left the 
left in a almost complete political vacum along with diverse left overs of 
the various rotten opprtunist politics of the Stalinists in one form or the 

The lists M-I, M-G, the "unity" list, and now the Stalin list are good 
examples of the problems facing the revolutionary wing of the left today. 
Not only do we have to deal with these people but also the various clone 
versions of the preceding period that are beginning to pop up here today.

A good step in this direction would be stopping all the political bans and 
rooten organisational manovres in order to avoid confronting political 
opponents. Only by a having a open discussion forum where all the various 
tendencies can fight it out will the cadre of the future be forged. Those 
who flee from open political discusssion whether they be fake Trotskyists, 
Stalinists, the ivory tower crowd or what ever by organisational tricks, 
bans, moderation (other then number of posts) are either political cowards 
who can not defend there politics or people who have something to hide from.

The latest Stalin list and its "rules" being and excellent example of 
bluster and political cowardness..

Finally a word to Godena. Stop trying to play the white fucking knight for 
Aldolfo. His actions along with his partner Detcom and Mark are the actions 
of political cowards who can not openly defend their positions on this list. 
And in order to keep their rrrrevolutionary purity they have cowardly built 
the Stalin list and forbid any political opposition a platform. So Mr Clean 
you are defending not only a little click of thugs who show their steel 
boots from time to time, but political cowards who can not defend their 
positions on and open list but need to use organisational manovres and 
slanders. That is what you are really doing! 

And you at present are using the women's question and affirmative action in 
order to help these political cowards who have barricaded themselves on the 
Stalin list against people like Zeynep and Jon. In fact you are acting like 
the classical lackie
who when push comes to shove can't take the hop. Godena stop trying to play 
both sides of the fence. Because in reality you are hardly doing that. Just 
trying to creat and image of that you are this really nice guy.

I doubt it. You actions are based on your political positions and as of late 
those positions have gone from cleaning up Stalinism to supporting some of 
the more despicable political traditions of the Stalinists.

Warm regards
Bob Malecki
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