File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/97-03-27.235, message 34

Date: Wed, 26 Mar 1997 13:32:54 +0000
Subject: Re: M-G: Congo: People wins! But why the industry decrease?

KARL: Hi Rolf! I appreciate your efforts to understand sub-Saharan 
economic backwardness. In this way you distinguish yourself from many 
of the more overtly ethno-centric subscribers on this and other 
mailing lists who steadfatly refuse to enter into an exploratory 
discussion on this matter.

There seems to be an almost total silence concerning the need to
focus on and understand the causes for the economic stagantion in
sub-Saharn Africa by the radical left. The virtual silence on this
list regarding this topic corrobrates this view of mine. One would be 
forgiven for believing that it may be a manifestation of a chauvinist 

ROLF:Yes, there obviuosly *has* been de-industrialisation in Sub-
Saharan Africa. Why this awful fact?

This has to do with what I've written about many times already
and have referred to as "green warfare" by the main bourgeois
forces in the world against the peoples of all countries.

It's a global anti-industry, anti-technology, anti-science and anti-
economic-growth campaign essentially *caused by the bourgeoisie's
enormous fear, today, of proletarian revolution*!

KARL: I am quite interested in this "green warfare" thesis of yours
concerning Africa. I would appreciate your elaboration as to what
you mean by it. I know you have provided some off the cuff pointers
as to its meaning. Then I may be able to respond  more
adequately to your message.


                          Yours etc.,

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