File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/97-03-27.235, message 42

Date: Thu, 27 Mar 1997 03:41:59 -0500
Subject: M-G: The "feminists" debate!

In a renewed attack (on M-G) against Zeynep and other women on M-I Aldolfo
goes into his Stalinist ravings about heroic proletarian women and the
peasantry. he compares Zeynep to Margret Thacther, the new foreign minister
of US imperialism,
the fascists and as being a bunch of Trotskyists. (Even Proyect and Godena!)

Now that is quite a mouthful!  Even coming from this aging member of the
Stalin Society. Sort of the last slanderous farts of a now dead political
tendency which managed to put the International Proletariat into the pretty
horrible political position it finds itself today. Not in the least the
handing over of the former deformed and degenerated workers states to
imperialism..Not to mention the present political trajectory of Aldolfo at
present on the Peruvian revolution..

Naturally Aldolfo appears to forget it is in fact the political program of
just the PCP and its ideas of the stage theory of revolution who in practice
really want to tie proletarian women and the peasantry to the Peruvian
bougeoisie. Time and again
he and others of the PCP have quite openly said that they are looking for a
in a wing of the Peruvian bougeoisie which they can make a historic deal with.

So in spite of all the name calling it is political line, (not flirting or
accusing political opponents of being just about everything under the sun)
that decides who in reality is working for or against the interests of the
proletarian women and the peasantry.

Connected to the macho line of sexist and racist name calling by Aldolfo of
his political opponents is his complete inability of defending the
independent interests of proletarian women and the peasantry. Not to mention
the god and cult worshipping of God Gonzalo..That shows his complete
political bankruptcy and now running off with his tail between his legs
foaming from the mouth in order to build the "Lenin" list  who's only claim
to fame is banning all other political tendencies and especially those who
claim thr Trotskyist mantel from taking part in the discussions.

Anyhow the latest philth from the Jesuit priest in London quite clearly
shows the complete bankruptcy of Aldolfo and he is dragging the heroic
fighters of the PCP on the ground in Peru off the abess with his latest
viscious turn. In fact Quispe made the charge once that Al=F6dolfo is only
interested in king Aldolfo and his building of the WMC was in fact just and
ego trip connected to his violent reaction to the fact that other PCP people
could and would build a "united front" with other left orgaisations in
defense of Peruvian exiles.

Notice in both cases that Aldolfo goes off the cliff in defending the
interests of both exiles and women. Both groups who historically live under
dubble and tripple oppression. Not only does he attack the defense of these
people around programs like "affirmative action" and "legal defense work"
but calls them "agents of Fujimora" and "fascists" among other nice things.

In fact i would not be surprised we will soon be hearing the line of the MIM
>from Aldolfo on the women's question where they claim that rape of women is
a class question where they defend the lumpen elements against the victims
of rape!

Good bye Aldolfo. If anybody has been caught with his pants down it is you
and your big prick macho style connected to complete political bankruptcy.
If the PCP actually had any connection with you or the fake WMC (which i
doubt!) i would suggest that they immediately break off relations with you
as being a nutcase and a danger to any kind of serious political work.

Now to the other people discussing "feminism" (Sid C) and all those who find
it chick to attack him. I find NO CLASS content in any of the the positions.
When I say CLASS CONTENT I mean it in relation to political strategy and
program. SC does in name say he supports the millions of poor and working
class women, just as Zeynep and others claim to do the same. While the
debate narrows down to who called who what,flirting, and a bunch of other
crap. More politics please! Paying lip service does nothing for women..

Although one can see a glimpse of some of the political trajectories from
some of the letters to M-I. Louis P. is already foaming at the mouth in his
comparison of women to the National question and other "movements" that he
would like to politically liquidate into as being some sort of pressure group...

Or does not the fundementals of Marxism have anything to do with Women? Are
women outside of the International class struggle? What alternatives are
their to the real "bougeois" feminists? And is "bougeois" feminism just the
Margret Thacther types? Or how about a discussion on the public sector and
the unions where the majority are women? Or what about the COMINTERN
documents from the first four congresses of the Third International? There
must be a million things one could discuss related to the "other" half of
the class i belong to..

Because as I see it no one really has seriously begun this debate. And I
agree with Sidarth on one particular point! Both on M1 and M-I their was a
tendency to "coddle" or suck up to women on the list. In fact some of the
politeness was really sickening. I thing that Hugh took up this question
with Richard Bos among others. So when Zeynep says it never happened is just
not true..

And I agree with Zeynep that postings on this question should be cross
posted to
marxism-feminism (?) mailing list so that can get going as a forum for
discussion for women..

Finally the only women on the list who was not coddled was the "milkmaid"
>from Detroit (a supporter of the Red flag and Quispe) who was one of the
most thoughtful and political thinking women to come to the list. I wish she
would come back!

Warm regards
Bob Malecki
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