File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/97-03-27.235, message 46

Date: Thu, 27 Mar 1997 19:58:33 -0500
From: (Hariette Spierings)
Subject: M-G: Struggle Against Bourgeois Feminism

To LeninList:


The anti-communist provocations resulting in the formation of this list of
combat for the proletarian cause have bought out a very important factor to
our attention - the plans of the imperialist bourgeosie, principally the US
imperialists, to make use of bourgeois feminism as a CENTRAL TOOL of their
FOREIGN policy.

It is in the process of struggle that this has come to the fore.  The
anti-communist parading themselves as "socialists", "marxists" and such like
thought that they could turn black into white and present themselves as
maligned "proletarian feminists" while in fact they have revealed their own
pro-imperialist entrail.

They accussed us of "slandering good socialist and proletarian women" by
calling them bourgeois feminists for holding on to such ideas of
"empowerement" and "positive discrimination".  However, the very same ideas
they claimed to support and even tried to twist around Mariategui in order
to validate, "women's need for empowerment" and "support for positive
discrimination" have NOW been SUBSCRIBED IN FULL and announced by US
imperialism itself as the KEY IDEAS for that criminal enemy of the
proletariat to exploit in the coming years.

I did not intend to bring this issue here to LeninList, but to keep it as a
separate task of mine using other lists as bulletin boards, particularly
malecki's in order to annoy him some more!.

However I think this is a very serious issue which needs to be debated among
communists, precisely because it is the US imperialist chieftans themselves
who are proclaiming to the world that with that sword they are coming after
the proletariat and the people from now on!.

For that reason, I will now forward the article I published yesterday in
response to the contortions of the "Tyraness of M-I", Zeynept Tufekcioglu,
who was trying to portray herself as the innocent victim and impress people
like butter would not melt in her mouth.

Clarity on this issue is of the utmost importance, not only for the Us
proletariat, but also in Britain where the imminence of a
social-chauvinistic regime will precisely bring to the fore dozens of
harridans like Tufekcioglu bent on stabbing the revolutionaries on the back
in the name of "women's rights", like they are doing already with other
shibboleths such as "human rights", etc.  It is also important, since the US
is today the number one and undisputed international gendarme, for the
entire International Communist Movement and the peoples of the world,
principally those involved in anti-imperialist struggles.

It is clear that in attempting to split the people's camp using "women's
rights" as a battering ram, the imperialists will only succeed in
antagonising the mass of working women and all oppressed masses. The
dialectical law of reactionaries always picking up stones to drop them in
their own feet is an iron law from which they cannot escape.

Here is the article posted to the malecki "bulletin board" (to the loud
wails and foamings of its door-mat "moderator"):


>That's the way trumped-up charges work. Ignore it first, let it be repeated
>enough, it acquires a life of its own. If this forum is going to welcome
>women into its ranks, sexist behaviour must not be allowed, simple, simple.
>Now, I think I've made by case a bit clearer. Would you be so kind so as to
>show where I or anyone else supported bourgeois feminism, used "beauty and
>flirting behaviour", asked for special "nice" treatment, chivalry,
>mollycodling, etc.? 

"Whatever the enemy supports, we shall opposse. Whatever the enemy opposes
with shall support" - Chairman Mao Tse-tung

Hello Sid:

Just let Queen Bee-risha go jump on the deep lake of her own filth!.  She is
a complete and utter hypocrite blatantly abusing her condition to hide and
push counter-revolutionary pro-imperialist ideas.  You do wrong in believing
you can convince these people or argue with them.  There is no fundamental
difference between Wayne Austin and that lot. It is all a matter of degree.
In general, these are died in the wool Trotskysts and social-chauvinists of
the worse sanctimonious school.

According to this sub-human detritus passing herself as a friend of the
Turkish people, the Peruvian people, etc., it is "brilliantly" demonstrated
by another of her ilk that "positive discrimination" should be supported.

That is utter imperialist and social-chauvinistic rubbish! Whose "positive
discrimination" they are talking about?  The Imperialist state's positive
discrimination sponsored by the Clinton's and the Blair's, supported by the
revisionists and the Trotskysts to the benefit of a tiny minority of
superannuated bureacratic cows working for the bourgeois institutions.  

Today it is US imperialism which is using the shibboleths of the revisionist
"left" in order to attack the proletariat.  Who is to discriminate
positively for women under the bourgeois regime?  The bourgeois regime
itself by means of "positive discrimination programs".  Alelluyah!. 

According to these enemies of the proletariat one should support this
deception and preach to the masses of working women that they should look
towards the bourgeois state for an improvement in their condition and that
the bourgeois state will in fact raise them above the menfolk and thus
"reddress historical wrongs". 
A while back they told black people the very same story when they wanted to
recruit them as cannon fodder for their imperialist war effort.  Have black
people's interests been advanced?  No.  Only a minority of bourgeois black
people have advanced to become awoved defenders of the bourgeosie and their
state!  Only a handful of opportunist traffickers like Jesse Jackson and
half a dozen other criminals have become rich and risen above the mass of
white and black working people.
In that process, imperialism has fostered and deepened the divisions among
the working people, and even has reaped thousands of black soldiers to fight
for their cause, etc.  However, the black poor have not profited at all and
their plight is today worse than ever.

Lenin was absolutely right in saying:  "Never expect anything from the state
of the ruling classes. Trust only in the strenght of your class solidarity
and unity".  

Here is what US imperialism is now announcing:

>From The Guardian (26/03/97): 

Albright makes women's rights her priority

Thomas Lippman on the secretary of atate's new moral mission.

The US secretary of state, Madeleine Albright has instructed American
diplomats to consider the advancement of women's rights AS A CENTRAL
PRIORITY OF FOREIGN POLICY, according to the state department.
"Advancing the status of women is not only a moral imperative, it is being
actively integrated into the foreign policy of the United States"  Mrs
Albright said at a ceremony on International Women's Day earlier this month.
"It is our mission. It is the right thing to do, and frankly it is the smart
thing to do"

The president's wife, Hillary Clinton, who joined Mrs Albright at the
ceremony said:  "What this administration believes is that if half the
world's citizens are undervalued, underpaid, under-educated,
under-represented, fed less, fed worse, not heard, put down, we cannot
sustain democratic values and way of life we have come to cherish"

And so on and so forth.  I see no difference between this imperial demagogy
of two of the most reactionary anti-communist individuals in today's world -
veritable enemies of humanity - from that of Queen Bee-risha herself.  

In fact Queen-Beerisha - by her own performance - is not half as "Left" as
these two harlots of imperialism appear to be here.  And if Queen Bee-risha
never thought too much of me calling malecki a pimp I do not see why should
she now scream sexism because of my accurately describing her political
profession as that of a "harlot of the bourgeosie" as well.  I am just being
even handed with my scorn and hatred for all out and out reactionaries of
whatever sex or inclination. 

And talking about harlots and bourgeois corruption, this is what a woman (a
self confessed dupe of the imperialist British Labour Party) has to say in a
letter to London's Evening Standard (26/03/97):

"LIKE MANY women I find pornography degrading and threatening: One reason
why I have voted Labour in the past is that they have accepted MUCH OF THE
FEMINIST AGENDA TO EMPOWER WOMEN and to restrict the way we are portrayed as
sex objects. But what has become of the party?  An official Labour spokesman
confirms that Page Three (pin-up) girl Melinda Messenger has been given an
official campaigning role for the party (Londoner's Diary, 21 March).  Tony
Blair seems to have formed a mutual admiration society with Rupert Murdoch
and has now won the endorsement of that advocate of pornography, The Sun.
For years MP Clare Short, now in the shadow cabinet, had the courage to
campaign for the ban of Page Three girls, but now even she has fallen silent
on the campaign.

Valerie Hendon, Josephine Avenue, SW2.

It is evident here what all this "love" of the women's cause really means
for the social-chauvinists and their Trotskyst supporters in every country:
Dancing to the imperialist agenda of divide and rule!  "Positively
discriminate" in favour of a tiny minority of women in the oppressor
countries, while enslaving the millions upon millions of men, women and
children of the oppressed classes.  And, if there are some votes in it, why
not put the "moral" outrage at the sex-ploitation of women in the
backburner?  All for the sake of plumping your behind on a ministerial
limousine or an MPs seat (or, even worse, on a bourgeois moderator chair).

And the gentlemen of revisionist and Trotskyst quarters attack us for
telling the truth: That the masses of women can only expect more oppression
>from imperialist state programmes of "positive discrimination".

For them Leninism has been "dialectically" negated, and we no longer live
under the thumb of monopoly capital and the trusts and corporations of
imperialism. That now, it is good and proper to expect - and moreover to
preach - advancement for the working people to be obtained from the
imperialist state.  Yes. They have become agents of imperialism slandering
the working class movement on behalf of their masters.  That is the whole
content of their "dialectical leaps"! 

They attack us too for saying that today a New Fascism - a new bulwark for
imperialism - is being built around the ideology of the revisionist and
Trotskyst left (the left of imperialism), as I set out to prove in my work
on New Fascism, a work they have never been able to contest in the slightest.

That when we say to women and men of the working class: "Expect nothing from
the state but trust in the unity of your own forces" we are being anti-women
because we oppose "positive discrimination".  But they fail to say to women
themselves that such a positive discrimination is not only a false promise
of the enemies of the proletariat, but is today the main ruse they intend to
use to attempt to cling to their power.

Read again what Bee-risha's "good "feminist" comrade Albright" is saying:

"Advancing the status of women is not only a moral imperative, it is being
actively integrated into the foreign policy of the United States" 

And what their "feminist comrade Clinton" adds: That without this "moral"
policy "we cannot sustain democratic values and way of life we have come to

In other words, "positive discrimination" is an imperialist necessity geared
to sustaining "the way of life" that these imperialist hacks "have come to

We communists have no reason to canvass for beauty contests or to seek the
votes of anybody.  That era is closed.  Now we must continue to tell the
truth to the masses. The bitter truth and never to contribute to sow any
illusions.  And to the women we say:  Expect nothing from the imperialist
state's "positive discrimination" programs, but the advancement of
bureacrats and leeches of the working class.

The only road for women to improve their status is to close ranks with their
own class, and reject those "self appointed leaders", the harridans of the
bourgeosie and enemies of the revolution such as the vile twister and
hypocrite bureacratic dictator of M-I Zeynept Tufekcioglu.  Break their
bones one by one together with all those who purport to speak for your
interests while engaging in blatant counter-revolutionary plots with the
enemies of the working class.  Strike these agents of imperialism before
they strike at you.

Is there any reason why communists can not get a hearing if they go with
open visor to the masses and say: Look comrade women: The eternal enemies of
all the oppressed, the rich and sated, are already announcing that they want
to use your plight to advance their interests and to defend the way of life
they have accustomed themselves to live on the backs of your doubly
excruciating labour. 

In exchange for your following their lead to this "positive discrimination
paradise" they offer to "empower" you and to deal with you - who are
millions - above an equal measure than that they use with your likewise
exploited menfolk. 
You know well that from the rich the poor can only expect the "worse
possible damage". Even in ancient times the rich joined already in
conspiracy against you and swore oaths of admission to the party of the rich
like that used in the Greek city of Corinth: "We swear to hate the poor and
do them as much damage as possible".

You know that, in your millions, you women - like your menfolk - are of the
party of the poor and oppressed, and that therefore the "larguesse" of those
bourgeois is only a cruel deception and a lure to fish a few knobsticks out
of your ranks and thus enrol them in the ranks of your oppressors and
torturers, to be used as a "special detachment" against the overwhelming
majority of you.

Have no track with condescending saviours.  Remember what the great Lenin
taught: "Expect nothing from the imperialist state!  Expect everything from
the strenght and unity of your class!"  We shall together uphold and
establish a people's democracy, and that means EQUAL RIGHTS AND DUTIES FOR ALL! 

Stand up for yourselves and close ranks with the working class, your class.
Do not ever forget that the plight of all workers, women and men, under the
boot of capital can only be improved in common and after the overthrow of
its tyrannical force. And that requires a struggle with EQUAL RIGHTS AND
EQUAL DUTIES FOR ALL! Only a class-less society can do away with the
"special position of women in society".

We may go down like lead balloons among the bourgeois chatter-boxes that
pass themselves as progressive women these days and are agog in expectation
of an opening for them in the imperialist bureacracy at last after so many
years in the wilderness.  But among the millions of the voiceless
proletarians they will approve heartily and mightly too.  Proof of that is
that the demagogy of the bourgeois right - who are no friends of the
oppressed either and are out to stir the anti-proletariat pot as well - and
that is the obvious lesson that the bourgeois "left" does not want to see,
happy as Turkeys marching on to vote for bringing Christmas forward! 

Do we have anything in common with them? No. Then why imitate their
cretinous behaviour and entertain their ludicrous ideas, and all that for
the sake of what? 


PS:  I'll send this answer to you.  And a copy to the counter-revolutionary
door-mat's list. I'll bet the foaming and the growling of the roachy hounds
is bound to reach epic proportions! Holy Cows! But I do not give a damn
since I do not have to hear it!



I think I send this again to Marxism-General in case the bonzo malecki has
not yet had enough of being my reactionary door-mat!  And a copy to
Marxism-News, in case he has! 

     --- from list ---


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