File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/97-03-27.235, message 6

Date: Sun, 23 Mar 1997 18:31:46 +0100
Subject: M-G: Re: Affirmative Action

Zeynep puts it a bit indirectly, and without drawing any conclusions, but
oh so clearly when she answers Louis G:

>Jeez, Lou, are you seriously claiming that white and better paid male
>workers would like to unite with *us* women, *us* blacks, *us* unemployed,
>*us* in the third world who they claim are always stealing their jobs (hence
>that's why NAFTA should be opposed) when all that we are doing is being more
>brutally exploited by the capitalists because our state can murder, imprison
>and torture us with the aid and the approval of *their* capitalists against
>whom they seem reluctant to really fight; but it is all these damn
>"affirmative actions" programs that the bourgeoisie uses to divide us that's
>blocking this unity.
>Excuse us.

Also, I think she's trying to have a run at my record for sentence
construction,lines per sentence and squeezing in just a little bit more
before that next damn full stop gets in the way!

Way to go, Zee!



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