File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1997/97-03-29.115, message 1

Date: Thu, 27 Mar 1997 23:24:05 -0500
Subject: Re: M-G: "Struggle Against Bourgeois Feminism" Ploy

Hariette Spierings wrote:
> To LeninList:
> Comrades:
> The anti-communist provocations resulting in the formation of this list of
> combat for the proletarian cause have bought out a very important factor to
> our attention - the plans of the imperialist bourgeosie, principally the US
> imperialists, to make use of bourgeois feminism as a CENTRAL TOOL of their
> FOREIGN policy.

If only it were true!

> I did not intend to bring this issue here to LeninList, but to keep it as a
> separate task of mine using other lists as bulletin boards, particularly
> malecki's in order to annoy him some more!.

This is what's called "comic relief" or "bathos" in the art of drama.

> However I think this is a very serious issue which needs to be debated among
> communists, precisely because it is the US imperialist chieftans themselves
> who are proclaiming to the world that with that sword they are coming after
> the proletariat and the people from now on!.

Vigilance, vigilance!  Didn't Comrade Stalin teach us that credulous,
naive "communists" become accomplices to the most reactionary forces, such
as trotskyite-fascists, by taking their words at face value? Wasn't he absolutely
correct to consider such "communists" themselves the worst enemies of the
proletariat since they work glove in glove with its OPEN enemies, and therefore are 
even more dangerous, more pernicious than they?  Didn't Comrade Stalin treat
such "communists" with the proletarian "Yezhov's glove" and deservedly so? 
One should ask: In whose interests is it that the international proletariat
at this very grave moment of its historical strugle should believe that from
now on the CENTRAL TOOL of the imperialist bourgeoisie is going to be 
bourgeois feminism?! Even trotskyite-bukharinite gangsters did not fall that
low! Mr. Oleachea tries to convince Eurasian workers that their worst enemy
is not the NATO soldiery with its ideology of "peace-keeping", not the 
international plutocracy with its ideology of "free market," not the Pope,
"civil society," "family,"  and "universal human values" but --"bourgeois feminism!!
Can one imagine a better service to the political-ideological agents of 
imperialism, like Albright, in their conspiracy to desorient the international 
proletariat and rank-and-file communists as to the STRATEGIC direction of their 
struggle than the service provided by Mr. Oleachea?!

We'd like to believe that the few class-conscious members of "Lenin List"
have not yet lost their bolshevik vigilance and ability to unmask an enemy
REGARDLESS of how clever and artful he may be, REGARDLESS of how he decks
himself out, and to make necessary political AND organizational conclusions
>from this new ploy against revolutionary proletariat.
> PS:  I'll send this answer to you.  And a copy to the counter-revolutionary
> door-mat's list. I'll bet the foaming and the growling of the roachy hounds
> is bound to reach epic proportions! Holy Cows! But I do not give a damn
> since I do not have to hear it!

I.e., "I'm dying to be heard. Anything is better than being irrelevant. Curse,
ridicule, tear me apart, JUST DON'T IGNORE ME, PLEASE, DAMN YOU!" 


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